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"les enfants, allez jouer dehors" (kids, go play outside)
"elle joue de la guitare" (she's playing the guitar)

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Q: Can you show me the french word jouer in a sentence?
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What is the french word for playing?


Is the French word 'jouer' in the perfect tense?

No, the French word jouer is not in the perfect tense.Specifically, the word is a verb. It is in the form of the present infinitive. It means "to play".The pronunciation will be "zhwey" in French.

How do you spell the word playing in french?


What is the French word that means play?

To play is "jouer" in French.

How do you say the word play in other languages?

French - jouer

How do you say play but in past in French?

jouer is the translation in French. This is the translation of the word play.

What are the different forms of the French word 'jouer'?

The different forms of the verb 'jouer' in French are: Je joue (I play) Tu joues (You play) Il/Elle/On joue (He/She/One plays) Nous jouons (We play) Vous jouez (You play) Ils/Elles jouent (They play)

What does jouer aux echecs mean?

The word "jouer" in French usually means "to play," while the word "avec" means "with." Put the two together, and you get "to play with."

What is a French word that begins wit the letter j?

"Jardin" means garden in French.

What does the french word bille mean?

Une bille is a marble Jouer aux billes : to play marbles

Is jouer a le word?

Jouer is a verb, 'to play'. 'Le' is the equivalent of 'the', so you wouldn't use it in front of a verb such as 'jouer'.

What does the French word jouer mean?

It depends on the context - it could be part of the verb 'jouer' - to play or it could mean 'a cheek' (part of your face) - it is also used in charcuterie and cuisine - joue de boeuf.