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The decimal system uses the digits 0-9 to represent numbers. Each digit's value is determined by its position in a number. For example, in the number 573, the digit 5 represents 500, the digit 7 represents 70, and the digit 3 represents 3.

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Q: Can you show me values of the decimal system?
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the base ten number system is called?

The Base-10 number system is known as the decimal system and has 10 digits to show all numbers 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 using place value and a decimal point to separate whole numbers from decimal fractions.

Why was the decimal system invented?

Im not 100% sure but i think its so that people can get a more accurate answer on numerical values.

When finding the metric equivalent of a measurement would you want to convert a decimal to a fraction?

No. The metric system, since it is based on powers of ten, is better used with decimal representations of values.

What tools can represent decimal values?

Some common tools used to represent decimal values include: Decimal notation: This is the most common and widely used way to represent decimal values, using a decimal point followed by digits from 0-9. Fraction notation: Decimal values can also be represented as fractions, where the numerator is the decimal value and the denominator is a power of 10. Scientific notation: Decimal values can be represented in scientific notation, where a number between 1 and 10 is multiplied by a power of 10. This is particularly useful for very large or very small decimal values.

A numeration system based on grouping by tens?

decimal system

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Applications of bcd to binary code cnvertor?

Many non-integral values, such as decimal 0.2, have an infinite place-value representation in binary (.001100110011...) but have a finite place-value in binary-coded decimal (0.0010)[bcd]. Consequently a system based on binary-coded decimal representations of decimal fractions avoids errors representing and calculating such values. Rounding at a decimal digit boundary is simpler in BCD. Addition and subtraction in decimal does not require rounding.

How can you show the relationship between different place values?

In the decimal system the place value of any digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. If using other bases a similar relationship applies. In the octal (base 8) system, for example, place value of each digit is eight times that of the digit to its right.

Convert the following decimal values to binary values 118?

0111 0110

Why is the binary number 10110 has a decimal of 22?

when 22 is dividing with 2 we get remainders1,0,1,1,0 from down to upwards so that in binory system 10110 is equal to 22 in decimal system. OR 1 0 1 1 0 16 8 4 2 1 place values in binory system if we convert binory number in to decimal system 1x16+ 0x8+1x4+1x2 +0x1 = 22

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How was the decimal system in Egyptian number system?

The decimal system is the same anywhere. Dec means 10 so the decimal system is a system used on the base 10 system.