

Can you smoke herione

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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Yes you can. oh yes you can! (H) x

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Q: Can you smoke herione
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How to smoke heroin with pipe?

You can't really smoke heroin out of a pipe on it's own. There is a way how you can smoke it out of a pipe though not by itself. I've only done this with cocaine, which is in fact my favorite thing to do by the way, but you should pack your pipe or what have you with marijuana and then crush up and sprinkle your heroin on top and smoke away. Pretty much just mix heroin and weed and you can smoke it out of a pipe. I would not suggest smoking heroin alone out of a pipe for the fact that you will waste it exposing just the dope to an open flame alone. Get high the right way. Remember if your gonna get high get high all the way!

Is there a drug that looks like coffee grounds?

There may be more obscure herbal/new age/etc medicine that has an apperance similar to coffee grounds(or may even include coffee grounds); but the only common place drug(legal or otherwise) that comes to mind is hash when crumbled. Perhaps herione, but herione has more of a coacoa kind of apperance.