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I assume you mean hydrocodone. Yes, if its pure. If it's a vicodin I encourage you not to do it as the binding agents in the pill are harmful to your lungs.

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Q: Can you smoke hydrocone with foil?
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OxyContin is usually prescribed for oral use not meant for inhalation. Meaning a person cannot smoke it with or without tin foil.

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Yes, Get a peice of foil and put some of the powder onto it. Add like 2-3 drops of water with your finger and mix it up spreading it around the foil. Light the foil from underneath where the mixture is and chase the smoke using a straw and inhale the smoke. :)

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Crush the pill up, put the powder on foil and smoke it.

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To smoke fish one first needs to season it according to taste. The fish can be wrapped in foil or placed in a foil pan and smoked for 2 hours at a temperature of 200 degrees.

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take a empty water bottle and poke a pen tube through the side and put foil over the other end and poke a few holes in foil. put bud into foil. smoke away take a empty water bottle and poke a pen tube through the side and put foil over the other end and poke a few holes in foil. put bud into foil. smoke away take a empty water bottle and poke a pen tube through the side and put foil over the other end and poke a few holes in foil. put bud into foil. smoke away take a empty water bottle and poke a pen tube through the side and put foil over the other end and poke a few holes in foil. put bud into foil. smoke away

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Is it safe to smoke pot out of foil?

no and more to the point get a brain and don't smoke pot! or any drug the effects can kill you.

What stronger hydrocone or percecet?
