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Yes it very well can. There was a girl in my town that passed away just a few days ago and that is apparently what she did. She injected concentrated bath salts into her body and she died.

Apparently these "bath salt" drugs are legal at the moment. I don't know who in their right might would consider trying them, let alone inject them into their blood stream.

I also work at a hospital and have personally seen a few cases of teenagers coming into the ER and being hospitalized for taking these new drugs.

The bottom line is DON'T TRY IT!

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13y ago

yes u can inject the concentrated bath salts much like u would coke and anyone that says u can't is obviously someone who doesn't use drugs intravenously i read that someone answered your question with "snort it and it gives u a rush but i wouldn't put it directly into your blood stream" that's the same thing that someone who snorts coke would tell someone who boots things like heroin, the first time they asked if they could and they weren't really sure about booting coke u can boot this stuff just the same as u can boot coke its probably even better for u cause u know exactly what your putting into your body and u don't know what the dealer down the street cuts his stuff with but I'm not sure about smoking it u would probably have to cook it up like u do crack but i haven't tried it yet get back to u in an hour

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Mdpv, near pure.

Can you smoke rave on bath salts?

If you are particularly foolish then yes you can.

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A crack pipe...dopey!

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Can you inject bath salts?

The problem with Bath Salts is that even though they are legal in lots of places, often times they are extremely impure and have no business going into people's circulatory system. That being said, it's possible to do and acheieve a stronger higher.

How long can you lose your memory from bath salts?

I went to a smoke shop and was talking to one of the workers there about bath salts and he said he lost his memory for about 3 Weeks also he forgot how to use a fork. I swear this is a true sTory. Also bath salts show up as Meth on drug tests.

Is bath salts smoke able?

Yes, however it is not recommended. It can cause dilluisions and schizopherenic like actions and thoughts.

Can you eat candy cane bath salts?

Do not eat bath salts.

What are bath salts?

Bath salts are any of a group of inorganic salts which are sometimes added to bathwater.

What are eposm salts?

bath salts

Where in the us can you purchase bath salts?

pretty much any smoke shop or small gas station.

Where can I find cheap bath salts?

There are a lot of specialty stores that offer bath salts, as well as larger chain grocery stores. I have seen bath salts at Walmart and Meijer, as well as bath salts in Bulk at Whole Foods Market.