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well i have one kidney and have with no issues, smoked much weed. that's not to say it's fine, but i don't see how cannabis is linked to your kidney. it should be no more risky than for anyone with two kidneys. enjoy.

also, your doctor should be able to answer questions like this in confidence, that's what they're for, honest, practical advice.

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Q: Can you smoking marijuana with one kidney?
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I do believe after one month of smoking marijuana it will clear out of your system but I also believe it depends on how long you were smoking tge marijuana for.

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If you don't have another reason to justify smoking marijuana, then logically, this is not the one reason. In general, if you have a medical condition - possibly.

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Marijuana's psychoactive properties was discovered 5000 years ago. No one knows who had the idea of smoking it.

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One might argue that smoking marijuana is bad for your lungs, since smoking anything is bad for your lungs. As for marijuana specifically, there is no scientific evidence that using the drug is bad for one's health.

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no it would take about 8 ciggs to equal about one joint

What does marijuana do to kidney function?

No, it does not.

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By not smoking it

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Justin is rumored of smoking weed. He does not smoke marijuana.