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Q: Can you sprain your eye muscles?
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Can you sprain your eye?


What is differwnce between strain and sprain?

A sprain refers to the overstretching of ligaments. A strain reders to the overstretching of muscles.

What is the difference between sprain and dislocation?

Sprain takes place in soft tissues, like muscles, ligaments.Whereas dislocations take place in joints.

Which muscles in your body are affected by alcohol first a eye muscles b hand muscles c leg muscles?

A. Eye muscles

What is a cervical sprain?

It is an injury to the muscles and ligaments of the neck. It is common after hjead trauma or "whiplash" injuries.

How many muscles are around a cow's eye?

0, there are no muscles in any animals eye

The stretching and tearing of muscles and tendons is called?

strain and sprain involves the ligaments

Can you break your leg from a shin splint?

It's possible to sprain muscles in the shin area.

What is the function of the muscles in the human eye?

The eye lens is kept in place by ciliary muscles. These muscles can contract or relax.If the ciliary muscles contract or relax the focal length of the eye lens becomes large or small.Or in other words the function of the eye lens is to increase or decrease the focal length of the eye lens.

Parasympathetic fibers of which nerve innervate smooth muscles of the lens of the eye - the eye muscles that cause the eye to bulge to accommodate close vision?


How many muscles are in the eye?

Orbital muscles of the eye include:Superior ObliqueInferior ObliqueSuperior rectusinferior rectuslateral rectusmedial rectusLevator Palpebrae superioris (controls eyelid)So 17 muscles control the movement of the many eye muscles control swiveling movement?

What muscles are affected by trichinosis?

The most frequently affected muscles are the muscles outside the eye (extraocular muscles) that control eye movements; the muscles of the jaw, neck, and upper arm (biceps muscle); the muscles of the lower back (lumbar region); and the diaphragm