

Best Answer

Without research it is difficult to answer. Your Doctor should be the best place to get answers on skin disorders. If not then try a charity or organisation that helps sufferers.

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Q: Can you spread molluscum contagiosum without sexual contact?
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What are examples of direct contact?

The physical contact between an infected person and a susceptible person

Can you develop HPV without catching it from someone?

HPV is a virus. You can't develop it; it is transmitted by skin-to-skin contact. Usually HPV is contracted by having sexual intercourse and/or sexual contact with an infected partner.

Which disease is spread by sexual contact?

STIS spreads through sexual contact.

What is considered illegal sexual contact?

Illegal sexual contact refers to any form of non-consensual sexual activity, such as rape, sexual assault, molestation, or any sexual act involving minors. It is a criminal offense punishable by law and can have severe legal consequences.

What other way can be used so that an egg be fertilized by a sperm without sexual contact?

we may use test tube technology

Can you get chlamydia if you're not sexually active?

You can get chlamydia from oral, anal, or vaginal sex; from sharing sex toys; or from genital-genital contact. In addition, a baby can get chlamydia during birth to a woman who is infected. If none of these applies to you, you won't get chlamydia.

Which are examples of direct contact?

sexual contact and being sneezed on

Are examples of direct contact?

sexual contact and being sneezed on

What are the dangers of gay contact?

There are no dangers associated with contact with gay people.Any sexual contact, straight or gay, may have risk of transmitting disease, but non-sexual contact alone is safe.

Is french kissing considered sexual contact?

French kissing is not sexual. Sexual contact iinvolves the sex organs, while French kissing is more of an oral stimulation.

Difference between forcible sexual abuse and sexual abuse?

Forcible sexual abuse involves the use of physical force or threats to commit a sexual act against someone's will. Sexual abuse, on the other hand, refers to any unwanted sexual behavior or contact without consent, which can include both physical and non-physical forms of abuse.

Is it illegal to finger your girlfriend when your 13?

That's sexual contact. In the US 13-years-old + sexual contact = very illegal.