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Q: Can you stand 8 to 9 hours when you have mild levoconvex lumbar scoliosis?
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In what ways do kyphosis scoliosis and lordosis differ from each other?

Lordosis is the flattening of the natural curve in the lumbar spine, or "flat back." That natural curve is the slight S shape that you see in someone's back when they stand sideways or lie down on their stomachs. Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine. With scoliosis, the vertebrae make an S or C shape when viewed head-on.

What does L stand for on L5 of a vertebra?

L is for "lumbar."

Does scoliosis get severe?

yes!of course! sometimes it can be so severe, you can't even stand up straight!

Is scoliosis profound?

Scoliosis can be very obvious, or not. I depends on the angle of the spine. Some mild cases don't affect the person very much at all. I am braced for scoliosis, but when mine was first discovered, it was during a sports physical and I didn't even know I had it. Some people, however, have a very large curve and it is noticeable. It effects the way they look, stand, and walk.

Do people enjoy having scoliosis?

It matters who you are and how bad it is. Most people cant even stand the stress of not being the way they want to be or not being perfect.

What is the duration of Stand By for Action?

The duration of Stand By for Action is 1.82 hours.

What is the duration of Stand tall?

The duration of Stand tall is 1.4 hours.

What is the function of lumbar vertebrae?

The lumbar vertebrae are very important in supporting the upper body in an upright position. They have an increased body sized compared to the other vertebrae for this reason. They also contain a small portion of the spinal cord and other nervous tissue and provide protection of these.

What does MWh stand for?

MegaWatt hours

How many hours is a moose before it can stand?

a moose is about 1 hour when it can stand

How does scoliosis affect parts of your body?

With scoliosis, you're usually only limited if it causes back pain. If you suffer from back pain because of scoliosis, you might not be able to sit, stand, or bend over for long periods of time. Other physical activity may also be difficult. Unless the scoliosis is severe, it shouldn't affect the things you do that much, and in very mild cases, it shouldn't affect the things you do at all.