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Q: Can you still be pregnant with a thick uterus lining and negative home pregnancy test?
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What stops menstruation during pregnancy?

Menstruating is the uterus basically not being pregnant and therefor getting rid if the uterine lining. When pregnant there is a fertilized egg and the uterus will protect it with the uterine lining.

The endometrial lining of the uterus remains in place during pregnancy in large measure because of the?

The inside of the uterus is lined with the "endometrium" which is shed every month if you are not pregnant. Once you get pregnant that lining changes to the "decidua" which stays in place because of the hormone progesterone and hCG the pregnancy hormone during pregnancy.

What happen to the uterus lining if no pregnancy occurs?

The uterus lining will come loose and a mentral cycle will begin.

What is the lining of the uterus breaking apart?

The lining of the uterus breaking apart is the mucus lining that is usually formed so as to create a conducive environment for a fertilized egg to develop. If the ovum is not fertilized, the thick lining breaks apart which is what causes menstruation.

What does it mean when an egg implants the lining of the uterus?

Pregnancy occurred.

Is it possible to be pregnant while have menstruation?

If you bleed during pregnancy it's not menstruation. It can sometimes seem like it but it's not. And it's usually lighter. If you are menstruating however you can not be pregnant. You menstruate because the uterus is shedding the lining since no egg is fertilized and attached to it. When pregnant you do not release eggs and the uterus can not shed the lining since then you would have a miscarriage.

Can you have a dnc while pregnant?

If you have a D and C while pregnant the fetus will be aborted. A D and C stands for the uterus to be dialated and the lining to be cut. or scraped to rid the uterus of the lining

Why do you have a cycle?

We have a menstrual cycle so that we can get pregnant and continue humankind.Every cycle we ovulate and the uterus lining plumps up in preparation for possible pregnancy, if we don't fall pregnant the uterine lining sheds to allow the whole cycle to start afresh again.

Why does the uterus lining change in thickness during the menstrual cycle?

Every month, the uterus prepares for the possibility of pregnancy, so if nothing happens, the uterus sheds the lining and passes out of the body.

What is the lining of the blood passing out of the vagina?

The lining of the blood passing out of the vagina is known as a woman's monthly period. It is natures way to strip the old lining of the Uterus that failed to be needed on the woman becomes pregnant. The lining is rebuilt (renewed) to prepare for a possibly future pregnancy.

Why do you have a menstrual cycle?

We have a menstrual cycle so that we can get pregnant and continue humankind.Every cycle we ovulate and the uterus lining plumps up in preparation for possible pregnancy, if we don't fall pregnant the uterine lining sheds to allow the whole cycle to start afresh again.

What are the functions of menstruation?

Biologically, it is said that in menstruation the uterus 'weeps', as there is no pregnancy. The lining of the uterus is shed in the menstruation. Uterus is ready to have fresh lining of the uterine wall through next menstrual cycle.