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can still exchange the mil cruzeiros

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Q: Can you still cash Banco Central de Brazil Cruzeiros?
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Is mil cruzeiros still in existence in Brazil?

Since the year of 1994, the currency of Brazil is the Real (R$).

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Yes, the Kayapo people continue to survive, although they face challenges such as deforestation, land encroachment, and loss of traditional practices. They have actively resisted threats to their way of life and have engaged in advocacy efforts to protect their lands and culture.

Where can you cash in 1000 Banco Central Del Ecuador?

It sounds like you're talking about the Sucre, which used to be the currency in Ecuador. It's unlikely you'll find a bank in Ecuador still willing to trade Sucres for Dollars.

What EURO country colonized Brazil?

That was Portugal. They still speak Portugeuse in Brazil.

When was slavery abolished in Brazil?

never there is still child slavery in Brazil today. ;(

Are dos mil pesos still able to be spent?

If it is a single bill with Justo Sierra that on the front says "EL BANCO DE MEXICO" then the answer is NO. The bill is old and not valid anymore. The new bills say "BANCO DE MEXICO"

What is the value of 50000 cinquenta mil cruzeiros in us dollars?

It depends if they still use this as the current currency in Brazsil if they do here is the convertion from the brazsil real to USD. As the Converts change daily! Sunday, November 9, 2008 50,000 Brazilian Real = 23,295.9 US Dollar I thought that changed in the early 1990s currency and no longer in use by collectable. Try I am also researching this.

What countries are still dictatted?

The countries still dictated are Afghanistan and Brazil. mainly from the freedom soldiers.

Do brazil people still have kings and queens?

No, Brazil has been a republic since 1889.

Why was Brazil so popular as a holiday in December?

Because in the winer Brazil still stays hot.

What form of wild life can be found in Brazil?

Insects, mammals, and reptiles can still be found in Brazil.

Is Brazil a developing or developed country?

Brazil is a developing country because, lot of people are still in poverty.