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no u cant it is impossible for the seamen to be alive so its ok

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Yes, it is still possible to get pregnant in this scenario. Sperm can still be present on the fingers even after washing with soap, water, and rubbing alcohol. It's best to use a reliable form of contraception to prevent pregnancy.

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Q: Can you still get pregnant if he jerks off and then washes his hands in water soap and rubbing alcohol and then fingers you?
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Continue Learning about Chemistry

What is the purpose of chemical washes?

Chemical washes are used to clean and sanitize surfaces by removing dirt, grime, grease, and bacteria. They are commonly applied in industrial settings, such as food processing plants, to ensure proper hygiene standards are maintained. Additionally, chemical washes can help to prolong the lifespan of equipment and prevent contamination.

The alum crystals are washed of contaminations with am alcohol water mixture rather than deionized water?

Washing alum crystals with an alcohol-water mixture helps to remove organic contaminants more effectively than using deionized water alone. The alcohol helps to dissolve organic compounds while the water washes away any remaining impurities, resulting in cleaner alum crystals.

What type of soap was used to wash out Ralphie's mouth?

In the movie "A Christmas Story," Ralphie's mother washes his mouth out with Lifebuoy soap as a form of punishment.

What washes away the small rock fragments?

Water erosion typically washes away small rock fragments over time. As water flows, it can pick up and carry away loose sediment and fragments, gradually eroding the rock surface. This process is known as abrasion and it helps shape riverbeds, create sand on beaches, and contribute to the formation of valleys and canyons.

What are dry cleaners and what do they do?

Dry cleaning is basically done by someone who washes your clothing, but instead of just washing your clothing they use a special chemical solvent. It is meant for delicate fabrics.

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Why would a wife comes home and washes panties with rubbing alcohol?

It may be that she had a discharge, that can give off a odor. Possible a stain from the monthly. Alcohol has been used to remove stains, and sanitize. Don't take it that she has cheated... Ask she why. she had be wiht a nouter man

Can you get pregnant while menstruation occurs?

No. The blood washes the sperm out. Only animals get pregnant when they bleed.

If you are irregular can you get pregnant during the last days of menstruation?

No. The blood washes out the sperm.

Is it best to get pregnant after you off your period?

You can't get pregnant when you're having a period. The blood washes out the sperm. Most women get pregnant mid-way between their periods. That's when you're most fertle.

Can a pregnant women go thew car washes?

Yes, a pregnant woman can do just about everyday things for most of the term of her pregnancy. Ask the doctor for any thing that shouldn't be done and when.

Is it safe for your pregnant wife to handle your ball python?

Yes - provided she washes her hands afterwards (as you should after handling any reptile)

What tense is the verb washes?

The verb "washes" is in present tense.

What is sentence with the word washes?

He washes the blood off his hands.The wave washes over the the beach.She keeps complaining that her husband never washes the dishes.

Does 70 percent alcohol kill e coli?

AnswerDo you mean, 70% isoprophyl alcohol? If so, yes.AnswerFirst of all, viruses are not 'alive' as such, unlike bacteria. 70% denatured alcohol will reduce the potency of most viruses if left in contact for a few seconds but will not completely 'kill' the virus. Using alcohol washes and hand rubs are beneficial in reducing virus contamination.See for a more complete answer.

What does it meant by washes?

washes usually means to clean something using water.

When was Washes Whiter Than created?

Washes Whiter Than was created in 1979.

How are automatic car washes and self-serve car washes are the same?

The car does get cleaned.