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yes, you can. I'm on Birth Control. and the more days that you miss taking the pill, the easier it is to get pregnant. missing days increases your chances of getting pregnant.

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Q: Can you still get pregnant if i missed one day of your birth control?
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What do you do if you missed four days of birth control pills?

use backup protection. Even if you take 4 days worth in 1 day, you can still get pregnant.

If on birth control can you still get pregnant?

Yes, you can. While birth control is reliable, there is no birth control that is 100% effective.

Can you still get pregnant while on birth control?

Yes, no Birth Control is 100% affective.

Can someone take an extra birth control pill after intercourse still get pregnant?

yes ou can still get pregnant, birth control is not 100%, no matter how many you take.

Is birth control effective at preventing pregnancy?

it is effective to a point..but not always. you can still get pregnant using birth control. its a big preventor of pregnancy but its still possible to get pregnant.

If you take Yaz and you get pregnant will you still get your period?

If you're pregnant there is always still a possibility that you can have your period.Regardless,You should not be on birth control while pregnant unless instructed to do so by your doctor. Taking Birth control pills while pregnant can lead to birth defects or death.If you think you're pregnant, consult your Doctor about pregnancy and your birth control.

How many women are still fertal enough to get pregnant after a month without birth control?

About 90% of women can get pregnant after a month without birth control.

Does birth control still work when you are on your period?

Yes but you dont get pregnant on your period even without birth control.

What are the chances of being pregnant if you missed one pill but took it 13 hours later and had unprotected sex 5 hours after that but then took your pill normally?

Not very high. I have missed 2 birth control pills before and I had unprotected sex with my husband and I did not get pregnant. I have heard that the birth control pill will still be in your blood stream for a while even if you miss one or two pills, but I am not for sure how true that is.