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Q: Can you still get your wisdom teeth at 29years old?
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Is 29 old?

no, people who are 29years are not old

Is it possible to not have wisdom teeth?

Your dentist can take a special x-ray called a panoral. This will give a good view of all your teeth, including any potential wisdom teeth. This will tell the dentist the likelihood of you getting your wisdom teeth.

How old were you when you got your wisdom teeth taken out if you did?

12 yrs. old

Can 2yr old grow wisdom teeth?

It would be a miracle if that happened

How many permanent teeth does a 25 year old have?

32, if you haven't had your wisdom teeth out yet. After they are removed, you will have 28.

Who characters paloma in the soap opera in the name of love aired in citizen and how old is she?

Maite Perroni and she is now 29years old

How many teeth for a 43 year old woman?

32 if she hasn't had any extracted. 28 if she's had her wisdom teeth out.

How old is mike fuentes of Pierce The veil?

you could of just searched this answer on google, but he's 29years of age.

How old do you have to be to get your wisdom teeth removed without parental consent?

18 and be able to pay for it.

Can you get wisdom teeth at 8 years old?

You can, but it is not likely. Not many people even have have their wisdom teeth at that age. Most people have their wisdom teeth extracted when they are nearly done with highschool (16-19 years old). Your doctor may not want to remove your yet even if you do have them. I am 12 years old. I have my wisdom teeth, and I am getting them pulled out next month. It is possible to get your wisdom teeth that young i am living proof. =)

36 years old but have only grown 30 teeth?

Most people grow 32 teeth, including 4 wisdom teeth. However, most times wisdom teeth are impacted and never erupt. It is also possibly to be congenitally missing teeth, as in the tooth bud never formed.

How many teeth are there in 35 year old women?

If you have all your teeth, it's 32. Most people have wisdom teeth removed and some people have teeth removed for orthodontics when they're in their teens.