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No. I'm not a dentist, so I couldn't tell you that a cold will directly interfere with the surgery. However, the recovery may be more difficult with a cold. With a stuffy nose, you may be forced to breathe through your mouth. After wisdom teeth extraction, you will have stitches in your mouth and spaces where your wisdom teeth were. It is a good idea not to allow air to reach these areas because they could create a "dry socket", where nerve endings and possibly bone would be exposed and would be extremely painful. Infection is also more likely with a cold. My advice? Try to get your wisdom teeth extraction scheduled after you are over the cold and at full strength.

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Better to be healthy just because of recovery issues. You might postpone until you are better--

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Q: Can you still have your wisdom teeth removed if you have a head cold?
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Is it normal to have fever blisters or cold sores and cankers sores after having wisdom teeth removed?

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What happens when your wisdom teeth are removed?

Wisdom teeth are removed the same as most extractions other than they can be partially impacted in the bone. You can expect some discomfort once you get home but normally cold compresses and otc pain meds are enough

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Only after the gums have healed. Alcohol causes the place where teeth were removed to dry up,"dry socket", and it can be very painful.

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i had my number 15 tooth extracted exactly a week ago today, and i still continue to have pain. i can also feel with my tounge, little sharp pieces/shards in the extaction area. i think the are pieces of my tooth still in the gum from when the dentist was gutting the tooth in half. i have even pulled a little pices of the shards out and i think that the shards are making the extraction area not heal well... i cant drink anything cold or i will drop to my knees in severe pain. i am not sure what to do either...

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till it stop hurting

What is the problem with having a cold and getting wisdom teeth out?

Your immune system won't be strong enough to fight off an infection of your bleeding toothless gum.

Should heat be add to the face after a couple of days after the wisdom teeth surgery?

welll, im no doc., but i heard that you should only use cold products

Is it possible for a person to be dizzy or have stomach acts when going threw wisdom teeth growth?

Yes, Its just like having a cold, you could have a very mild infection from it, the same thing happens to little kids when they get new teeth

How long does it take for the sore throat to go away after having your wisdom teeth extracted?

AnswerIf you wisdom teeth were way back, you might have a sore throat, because the healing is happening back there and the pain will last a few days to a week.But the sore throat can also be related to a cold that you are having at the same time.AnswerI was 30 years old (very healthy) and I didn't have a sore throat, with my wisdom teeth extraction, but did feel like I had the flu. My head, body, ears, and lymph nodes ached for 3 days afterward. Antibiotics, sleep, and a cold pack for exterior swelling/discomfort are *key*.

What can you eat after you have your wisdom teeth taken out?

1.Ice cream 2. Mash Potatoes (cold) 3. Yogurt 4.Frozen yogurt 5.Apple sauce Once you have your wisdom teeth removed you cannot have caffine or anything hot or spicy it will hurt your wisdom teeth area that you just gotten removed

What are the effects on your mouth from alcohol?

Loss of taste, teeth, cavities, and impacted teeth like the wisdom teeth, crowding, rotting from-sugar, plaque, bad breath, loss of jaw function, choking hazards and holes in your esophagus or tonsils-might need them surgically removed. Extremely painful to eat or drink hot or cold fluids, loss of the microscopic hairs on the tongue can cause more infections like strep throat, and trouble swallowing. My suggestion quit drinking now before this happens to you.

Does unhealthy teeth cause you to have cold sores?

Unhealthy teeth doesn't cause you to have cold sores.