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Herpes are not passed from parent to child through genetics or hereditarally.

Lip herpes or oral herpes (what causes cold sores and fever blisters) are often passed during child hood by being innocently kissed by some one that has cold sores or fever blisters.

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Q: Can you still pass herpes if the mother doesn't have blisters?
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How can an individual with herpes still maintain a healthy lifestyle?

Herpes is a virus that can appear either in the mouth area or in the genital area (HS-1 or HS-2). It causes the development of blisters that tend to scab over and heal with time (typically a few days.) It is not deadly. However, it is not curable either. People simply have to live with it. People who have Herpes can lead relatively normal lives. The issue of Herpes would only really come up under certain circumstances. For example, when people with Herpes have outbreaks, it can be both psychologically and physically uncomfortable. Herpes sores that appear in the mouth tend to be visible and thus makes the person uncomfortable. It is not recommended that people with visible mouth blisters kiss someone, as it is possible to transmit the virus this way. The issue of genital sores is equally uncomfortable as it may affect the sex lives of those infected and their partners. Again, the virus can be transmitted sexually. Most doctors would recommend that herpes patients refrain from unprotected sex during herpes outbreaks. Furthermore, studies have suggested that people can also transmit the virus to others even when obvious blisters are not present. Bottom line--there is no absolutely safe time for a herpes patient to have unprotected sex without risking infecting a partner.

Do pitchers still use super glue to cover blisters?

Sometimes, but new items are on the market to cover blisters. :D

How do you know if you have HSv-1?

Herpes simplex virus 1 is the virus that causes fever blisters and cold sores.Herpes simplex virus ll is the virus that is responsible for genital herpes.There are anti viral medications that you can take to help reduce outbreaks of herpes,(Valtrex) but it is still possible to spread it even when no signs are present.It IS possible to spread HSv-1 by oral sex. If you have a fever blister and preform oral sex on someone, you can give them genital herpes. Just as someone with genital herpes can spread it to you by oral, vaginal or anal sex . Please use protection if you have genital herpes. marlin

What are the legal rights of a teenage mother?

She can do as much as a normal mother. She has the right to care for her baby and to a good education. She doesnt have the right to leave the baby unsupervised obviously. She is still the mother but usually gets extra help (:

If you don't have all the symptoms of herpes is it possible that you can still have it?

You always have herpes, there is no cure. It may lie dorminant in your system, but you still have it. Breakouts can occur @ any time.

If herpes is not present can you still get it from kissing?

If one person does not have herpes, it is highly unlikely for them to contract it by kissing someone with herpes. However, there is still a small risk of transmission if there are active herpes lesions or sores present on the person with herpes. It is always advisable to practice safe kissing and maintain good oral hygiene.

What if the mother doesnt want the child to be raised by father but still pay child support?

The father has the right to visit with his child unless the court issues an order to the opposite.

If I get a blood test and it turns out that I am the father of a child but the mother doesnt want any of my help and does not ask for Child Support do still I have to play Child Support by law?

Yes, you do.

Can you spread oral herpes if you don't have a cold sore?

Unfortunately, even if there are no visible sores there is still a small chance that you can get herpes. The odds are low but you should get checked out.

How does herpes zoster differ from varicella zoster virus?

When a person gets chickenpox, the rash will go away but the virus is still in the body and becomes dormant. If the virus becomes active again in the nerves, it is then called herpes zoster or shingles. This usually occurs when a person becomes older, but only in a small percentage of the population. Herpes simplex causes the cold sores or genital herpes.

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The mother is 83 and still alive