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You most certainly can, but honestly, you probably shouldn't. A sprained ankle needs rest for a few days, not pressure. If you continue to strain it while it is in a state of disorder, you quite possibly might end up breaking it.

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Q: Can you still play football with a sprained ankle?
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A sprained ankle refers to a strain or tear in the ligaments of the ankle itself. This often occurs during exercise or play.

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ebaserate verb... made worse, e.g. my poor play was ebaserated by a sprained ankle.

Can you play football with a ankle sprain after few days?

Yes i can play

How do you skip rugby practice?

Fake being sick or fake a sprained ankle that the doc said was so bad, you aren't allowed to play for ( whatever the amount of time you want ) hope this helped bro, and I hope that ankle heals up ;)

Can you still play football if you have bad eyesight?

No. It is not possible to play football with bad eye sight.

You play soccer and football but your football cleats hurt when you play football?

football cleats don't have an arch in them. Football cleats have ankel protection, and an arch. but, for soccer you have a low cut ankle support and no arch. its best to invest in the correct cleat for each sport, or you could take the risk of injuring yourself.

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To watch, clearly football. To play/do, still football.

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Henry has retired from football.

What college football team did Julius Campbell play on?

Ferrum Junior College. He suffered an ankle injury that ended his playing career.

Do they still play Tudor football?

Yes, tudor football is still played by a small hardcore group of fans.