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Q: Can you stretch your ears with stone plugs?
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Do fake plugs strech your ears?

Yes "The Wildcat Collection" in England manufactures custom plugs for those who don't wish to stretch there ear lobes.

Is it normal for your ears to bleed when you stretch them out with plugs?

its never supposed to bleed and if they do your stupid

What is the highest gauge you can stretch your ears first?

One gauge, and one gauge only. If you cheat and stretch more than the next gauge you will damage the tissue, once it's damaged it will not return to normal when the plugs are removed.

Is it safe to stretch your ears when you have a blowout?

No it isn't.

What is scar tissue for stretched ears and what does it look like?

scar tissue is when you stretch your ears, it makes a scar because you are stretching them. if you let your ears close up, they say that because of all the stretching and scarring, that your earing holes will look like little cat butts. **Scar tissue is formed when ears are stretched too quickly and they tear. Scars forms over the wounds and scar tissue doesn't stretch well so it'll stop you from stretching at some point. Your ears only look like cat butts if you stretch them too quickly. If you're responsible with stretching, they'll heal up nice and smooth and they'll be even if you use plugs to stretch down.

Do earrings stretch your ears?

only if their really big

Do gauged ears close?

Depends on how big you stretch to.

Do you have to have your ears pierced to have them streched?

Seriously. Think about what you are asking. How would you stretch a hole that doesn't exist? OF COURSE THEY HAVE TO BE PIERCED. Please do more research before you actually stretch your ears.

What is it called when you get your ears cut for plugs?

you don't cut your ears to get plugs in. You use a taper (an earring that resembles a spike) to stretch the hole, then you put a plug in. you can buy tapers in places like hot topic or online. Just remember to start with a smaller taper and work your way up to a bigger one. Good luck. no you can also get your ears cut a relative of mine did. it's better because buying all those tapers cost a lot of money.

What happens when you stretch your ears out?

by experiences , they go back to normal (:

Can you wear plugs without getting pierced ears?

Yes, they have magnetic plugs, try amazon or google :)

Will faux plugs stretch your ear hole?

Yes, they technically will, depending on the faux plug that you get. Some Faux plugs are actually bigger than the mm of regular earrings. So yes, in a way faux plugs will stretch your ear lobes, will they stretch them any size that will prevent you from still having normal ear lobes? No, most faux plugs, if they are larger than a regular mm piercing, are less than 14g.