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i think so there basically the same thing

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Q: Can you subsitute shredded cheese for grated cheese in recipe?
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What can be subsitute for cheese in a recipe?

I think you can try to use tofu. If that doesn't work, you can buy soy cheese.

When a recipe calls for four ounces of finely grated cheddar cheese what do they mean is it a four ounce block of cheese or a half of cup of cheese grated finely?

A four ounce block.

If a recipe calls for one cup of grated cheese do you measure it by ounces or cups?


How many cups of grated parmigiano reggiano cheese in ounces?

Martha Stewart, in her macaroni and cheese recipe, includes this ingredient: 2 ounces Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, grated (1 cup) So 1 Cup of grated Parmigiano Reggiano is equal to 2 ounces.

What is a recipe for vegetarian quesidillas?

1. Take a tortilla 2. Get some shredded cheese. 3. Melt the cheese... WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT PUT ANY MEAT ON THIS. Enjoy!

Should you pack shredded cheese tightly when measuring?

Would it not be compacked cheese then, perhaps if you lightly pack it so it shreds or fluffs when put in your recipe would be nest

How much shredded cheese is needed to fix sausage balls?

My recipe for sausage balls calls for 2 cups of cheese (cheddar), 2 cups of Bisquick, and a pound of sausage.

IF a recipe calls for 1 carrot shredded and I bought shredded carrots how much do I put in?

Quick answer: 2/3 cup. Reasoning: According to, a carrot weighs 72 g. 1 cup of grated carrots weighs 110 g. Therefore, 1 carrot worth of grated carrots would be 72/110 of a cup, which is .65 of a cup, or about 2/3 cup.

Could you subsitute a ready made soup for a condensed soup in a recipe?

Yes, you can.

Need a classic cheese biscuit recipe.?

A good place to start is a cookbook at home. Many cookbooks have biscuit recipes. Foodnetwork, YouTube, Betty Crocker, and Kraft always have some great recipes. Sometimes if you have made a basic biscuit recipe, you can include diced or shredded cheese in your mix.

Can cheese powder be substituted for cheese cubes?

As a general statement and typically, no. However, if the only need in the recipe for the cheese ingredient is the flavor of cheese, it might work as a substitute. Usually a recipe calling for cheese cubes instead of shredded cheese,for example, is intending for the cubes to either remain whole and provide texture as well as flavor, add moisture and fat to the recipe which are lacking in the powders, or is intending for the cubes to melt and provide large bits of melted cheese within the dish. In those cases, cheese powder would not work as a substitute.

What is a chicken Parmesan recipe that requires the least ingredients?

1 cup Italian-seasoned breadcrumbs 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour $ 1/2 teaspoon ground red pepper 2 skinned and boned chicken breasts $ 2 egg whites, lightly beaten $ 1 tablespoon olive oil $ Tomato Sauce 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese 1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese