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Yes Indeed You Can Add some seasoning and Cream Cheese Taste And Smells Like Cottage cheese!

Yes, particularly if you run it through the blender or food processor. Drain off any excess liquid.

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Q: Can you substitute cottage cheese for cream cheese in a blueberry cake?
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Related questions

Can you substitute cream cheese for Ricotta?

You can substitute ricotta cheese for cottage cheese. I don't think it would work with cream cheese.

Is ricotta cheese a substitute for sour cream?

No. Plain yogurt is a good substitute for sour cream. A substitute for ricotta cheese is cottage cheese that has been drained of excess water (use cheese cloth or seive).

Can cream cheese be substituted for sour cream?

I would think not because whip cream is sweet. Sour cream has a more tangy bitter taste to it.

Which cheese molds faste cream cheese or cottage cheese?

Cottage cheese because it is more soft. Cream cheese is stiffer. It lasts longer.

How do you substitute cream cheese for sour cream?

You can add milk to cream cheese so it isn’t as think, then use it as substitute for sour cream

Can you use cottage cheese in place of cream cheese?

No. That would be disgusting.

Can cream cheese be used for cottage cheese?

Yes, they are both mild soft cheese.

What is the difference between mascarpone cheese and cottage cheese?

The big difference between the two cheeses is the savory taste of the Cream Cheese vs. the sweet taste of the Mascarpone cheese. Mascarpone cheese is a bit creamier than cream cheese too. You can use cream cheese as a substitute, you may need to add a little more sugar to your recipe. This is a good substitute for Mascarpone cheese: 16 ounces cream cheese 1/3 cup sour cream 1/4 cup heavy whipping cream Blend all three ingredients together until smooth.

How do you substitute sour cream for cream cheese?

Yes, you can substitute sour cream for cream cheese. For 1 cup of cream cheese substitute 1 cup of sour cream, but watch the moisture level. Sour cream has more moisture so you may want to cut back on liquid ingredients such as oil or buttermilk.

Why are quarks known as quarks?

Physicist Murray Gell-Mann coined the term "quark" for what was then referred to as a parton. The name is a literary reference to James Joyce's book Finnegans Wake: Three quarks for muster mark Quark is also a type of German cheese, kinda like pureed cottage cheese with a touch of sour cream added. Good substitute for cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, cream cheese, or sour cream in recipes. Makes excellent chip dip as is.

Can whipped cottage cheese be substituted for heavy cream?

Not normally; cottage cheese has a very different fat content and is slightly more acidic than heavy cream. This means they are not good substitutes.

What can you use in place of sour cream in corn casserole?

cheese cream or cheese and cream or cream and cheese