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only if you like kidney beans better.

in cooking, you need to think more about what you like. you don't always need to have the exact foods. think of it as more of a guideline.

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Yes, it changes the flavour a bit but it tastes really good. You should definitely try it.

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Yes, you can and a pinch of pepper and celantro

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kidney beans can be substituted for soy beans.

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Black beans or kidney beans.

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Q: What bean to use in place of pinto beans?
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What sort of beans do Mexicans eat?

it depends where you are from many people eat them diffretly like me and my family are from sinaloa and we eat pinto beans

How much pinto bean seasoning should you use to cook half lbs of beans?

1 1/2 tablespoons



What bean starts with n?

Navy beans are a type of bean. They are use in soups, stews and served as baked beans.

Why do refrigerated cooked pinto beans smell funny?

If they don't smell good, then don't use them.

When was the pinto bean invented?

Before Columbus, the Old World was familiar with numerous kinds of beans, but neither the common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris,nor the lima bean, P. lunatus, was known. Their American origin is fixed by descriptions and references to finding them at many widely scattered points over the Americas about 1500 and soon after.The word "bean," like the word "vegetable," is indefinite. It is used to refer to the seeds of many different kinds of plants.The use of the expression "common bean" is in accord with the scientific name Phaseolus vulgaris, which means exactly that. It includes our dry, field varieties, such as Navy or Pea Bean, Red Kidney, Pinto, Great Northern, Marrow, and Yellow Eye. It also includes all our edible-podded garden beans called stringless or snap beans and formerly called string beans. (Some varieties are stringy.)The English first used the name "kidney bean" in 1551 to distinguish our American common bean from Old World types.In the South and some other parts of this country lima beans are commonly called "butter beans." In New England this colloquialism is sometimes used to refer to yellowpodded ("wax") varieties of snap beans.Before the discovery of the New World, Europeans did have other bean species with various traditions associated with them. On 3 days of the year, the Roman head of the household went through a ritual ceremony of spitting beans out of his mouth to rid his home of evil spirits. This custom carried over to the Middle Ages, where spitting a mouthful of beans in a witch's face was considered to negate her powers. Perhaps beans were thought to be a potent deterrent against evil because as a seed they have stored within them the positive life force of all living and growing things.

How do use crazee jumpin beans?

you buy a tumble tray and flip the bean on it

What is the difference between Java bean and bean?

JAVA beans and coffee beans are two very different things . JAVA beans are used to generate getters and setters. while coffee beans are use to make coffee.

What kind of bean is in pork and beans?

Great Northern beans Haricot beans, also called Navy beans.

What are names of a book about beans?

okay well for my preference of bean books i would use the big book of beans or beans for dummies. these provide many bean bustling ideas. Find these books at any wal mart and good book stores in your area.

What beans do they use in the bean throwing festival?

They throw soy beans or roasted soy beans at the Japanese bean throwing festival, also called setsuban. Apparently it is done to ward off evil spirits and bring luck to the city and it's people. :)

Are kidney beans same as chili beans?

Kidney beans are a type of bean, while chili bean refers to a recipe or way the beans are cooked. So chili beans can be made with several different types of beans. Commonly used are kidney, pinto and black beans.