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Q: Can you sue a deceased estate for negligence causing an accident?
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Is the administrator of the estate of a decease person liable for omitting informing the court of all of the real estate property of the deceased?

I would certainly expect so. It would be negligence, if not fraud to do so.

What happens if you and your husband die in a car accident and you do not have a will?

State probate laws will determine how the deceased's estate is distributed.

If your deceased father killed someone in a car accident can his estate be sued after probate?

A lawsuit commenced against a person can continue against his estate after his death. The attorney for the plaintiff's estate should have filed a notice in your father's estate that there is a claim against the estate.

If a deceased person's car is wrecked and it does not have insurance is the executor of the estate liable if permission was not given to drive it?

The Estate would be responsible for any damages caused by the accident. The Estate would have to sue the driver who took the car to get back any monies paid.

How do you transfer vehicle title when owner deceased and no will?

You open an estate. That is the purpose for the estate, to transfer property and resolve the debts of the deceased.

Will the estate of deceased in NC be responsible for medical bills if the deceased did not have insurance or a will?

Yes, it will be the responsibility of the estate. No will is necessary to open an estate. North Carolina law will designate the beneficiaries, if the estate value exceeds the debts.

If a person has been granted the administration of estate of the deceased is he or she obligated to pay the deceased debts?

We take pride in our family approach to take care and we always provide the best work. Whether it is simple house clearing, house repairs or larger renovations.Deceased estate cleaningDeceased estate clearingDeceased estate cleanupsDeceased estate melbourneDeceased estate repairs(After Life Cleaning)

Who pays the bills of a deceased family member?

Bills are paid from the estate of the deceased.

How do you cash your deceased daughter's last paycheck?

An estate has to be opened for your deceased daughter. That check will be deposited into the estate account. You need to consult an attorney about an estate if you haven't do so already.

Are adult children responsible for paying deceased parents real estate taxes?

No, the estate is responsible for the medical bills of the deceased. Only after they are resolved can the estate be closed any remainder distributed.

What happens to a deceased's estate if there's no will?

In most countries the state takes over the estate and distributes it to the deceased's relatives in accordance with the law. If no relatives can be found the estate becomes the property of the state.

Do in laws have rights to deceased spouse estate?
