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You mean from a house next door? I'd call the health department.

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Q: Can you sue someone for there dog having fleas so badly that they are getting into my house?
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Are flees endangered?

Fleas-no, but honeybees are getting there

If you have fleas should you go to school?

Never. Fleas can jump from one person to another up to 12 inches away. If you go to school with fleas you risk having them jump on (and bite!) someone else. Worse yet, if an egg is transported from you to another person or a classroom, large numbers of people are potentially effected.

How fast do cats get fleas?

by bugs getting in there fur

How was the black death killing people?

The Black death was killing people by ships having rats and fleas. Then the fleas carry the plague and then the fleas go on the people and then they will get sick and die.

How would you stop fleas from getting to your cat?

But on a flea spray.

Who mostly has fleas on Animal Crossing wild world?

There is no predetermination for when an animal gets the fleas. The chance of an animal getting the fleas is completely random. Take it as a hunch though, I think the lazy type neighbors might get fleas the most often.

Does your dog have to itch in order to have fleas?

no there a few rarer type of fleas that will infect ur dog but will not cause him to its also it has been proven that some dogs are not affected as badly as others so for a sure conclusion see ur doctor

What does flea mean?

It probably means having fleas.

How do you keep you self from getting a tape worm?

by not eating uncooked pork or swallowing fleas.

What kills fleas On dog?

Fleas are really common. Dogs can get fleas from other dogs, cats and grass. Identify where you think they got fleas from and stop this, so they don't keep getting fleas. You have to treat carpets, sofas and the whole house if the infestation is quite bad. Hoovering is the best way to get rid of most fleas and their eggs. Fleas lay eggs in crack and gaps so concentrate on these areas. Medication for getting rid of fleas on the dog will only work if you solve the carpet/sofa issue. You can get drops to put on the back of the dogs neck. These are really effective because it doesn't kill the fleas - it means the eggs the fleas lay won't survive, so you break the life-cycle. Flea shampoos are not effective - normal water and soap will kill fleas. Pills for fleas are also not recommended as they only kill the fleas that are on the dog - not in the carpets. If these methods don't work, get an exterminator in to gas the whole house!

Is there a pill that you can give dogs to prevent them getting fleas?

Comfortis works well...can get it at the vet's office...kills fleas in about 30 minutes and protects them for one month...costs about $16.00

What are the symptom's for dogs getting fleas?

Scratching, sores, biting and licking areas that appear infested.