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There are some things to consider when contemplating going into salt water if you have chickenpox:

  • You should not leave the house until all lesions are scabbed; otherwise, you could infect someone.
  • You should protect your skin from infection until all lesions are scabbed.
  • Exposure to sun could slow down healing and make chickenpox marks and scars more noticeable.

If these aren't a problem for you, there's no reason to avoid swimming in saltwater with chickenpox.

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10y ago
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14y ago

No, you really should not go swimming in lake water!! The sores caused from chicken pox can get infected fom the bacteria from the lake water.

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10y ago

You are no longer contagious after your chickenpox have scabbed over. All swim clubs are different. Please check with your local pool.

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What if you had chickenpox but they went away before they blistered or scabbed?

You may not have had chickenpox, then.

Can chickenpox spread before onset of scars?

Chickenpox is contagious until the chickenpox blisters and sores are scabbed.

Why can't you swim if you have chickenpox?

Swimming with chickenpox could spread the infection to others. A person with chickenpox should stay away from other people until the blisters and sores have scabbed. Swimming with open lesions may also cause a small risk of secondary infection if you swim in water that includes microbes.

Is chickenpox contagious after they're dry?

Chickenpox is no longer contagious after the bumps are scabbed over and dry.

Is chickenpox contagious when bumps are visible?

Chickenpox is no longer contagious once the lesions are scabbed over. So it is possible for spots to be visible, but to no longer be contagious.A chickenpox rash is contagious until all lesions are scabbed over. A person may no longer be contagious even if the spots are still visible.

Can you leave the house if you have chickenpox?

If you have the chickenpox, you should stay home until you are no longer contagious; that is, until all blisters and sores have scabbed.

How long can you have fever if you have chickenpox?

The fever for a child with chickenpox will usually last for two to three days.

When can you work after having chickenpox?

You are no longer contagious once all chickenpox lesions have scabbed over. Prior to this, you should remain at home to avoid infecting others.

What happens to someone socially when they get chickenpox?

When someone gets chickenpox, they need to remain isolated until all chickenpox bumps have scabbed over, which may take a week or two. This social isolation can be stressful and tedious.

Does chickenpox turn black when it dries?

On some patients, the lesions can turn black when scabbed due to dried blood.

How can you fake a case of chickenpox?

The hallmark of chickenpox diagnosis is finding lesions that are blistered, red, and scabbed at the same time. You'd be hard pressed to fake that without significant stage makeup skills.

Can a phlebotomist draw blood if they have chickenpox?

A phlebotomist must stay home from work until all chickenpox lesions are scabbed over. After that, the infection is not contagious, and the phlebotomist can work again, including drawing blood.