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Chlorine levels should be between 1-5 ppm

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2mo ago

Swimming in a pool with high free chlorine can cause skin and eye irritation. It is recommended to wait until the chlorine levels have returned to normal before swimming in the pool to avoid any discomfort or potential health issues.

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Q: Can you swim in a pool that has high free chlorine?
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Should you swim in high chlorine pools if you have phneumonia?

No it isn't good. You are having trouble breathing to begin with and the high level of chlorine in a pool is not good to breath.

Can you swim in pool hat has a normal chlorine level but the free chlorine level is high?

Swimming in a pool with a high free chlorine level can cause skin and eye irritation. It's recommended to avoid swimming until the free chlorine level returns to the normal range to prevent any discomfort or health issues.

How quickly can you swim after adding chlorine to a pool?

You should not re-enter the pool until the chlorine level is 3ppm or less on your test strip, however long that takes. Chlorine is a known carcinogen and high chlorine levels are linked to many respiratory diseases.

If a pool smells like chlorine is it imbalanced?

This question can only be answered by testing the water. There are alot more parameters to water being balanced than just chlorine. I would rather swim in a pool that smelled like chlorine than not. At least you know there is some chlorine in the water.. THE ABOVE IS WRONG!!! If you smell "chlorine" you do not have enough free chlorine in the water. Chlorine in and of itself is odorless. The only time it smells is when it combines with organic compounds like skin cells, tanning lotions, etc. What you are smelling is "combine chlorine" which is incapable of sanitizing the water. You must therefore "shock" the pool with a high dose of chlorine or other substance to get rid of the combined chlorine and leave sufficient amounts of "free" chlorine available to disinfect the water. If a pool smells...don't swim in it until they add more chlorine!

Could Blaise Pascal Swim?

no he couldn't swim that's why he died he drack too much chlorine and passed out in the pool! no he couldn't swim that's why he died he drack too much chlorine and passed out in the pool!

Can you have a swimming pool without chlorine and or salt?

You can swim in a pool without chlorine or salt they just keep the pool clean. but if you do it can give you bad skin

Can you swim in a chlorine pool with Adidas polyester wind pants?


Will it harm you if you swim in an indoor pool with the chlorine reading 8 ppm?


Can rats swim in chlorine pools?

Yes, rats can swim in chlorine pools, but it's not recommended due to health risks associated with exposure to chlorine and other pool chemicals. Additionally, rats can impact water quality and hygiene in the pool.

Is it possible that chlorine in a pool can make your head itch?

Yes it can. Not all peoples head itch when swimming in a chlorine pool. If it does you should wear a swim cap or try to keep your head out of the water or just don't swim.

Can you swim if your chlorine is to high?

Swimming in water with high chlorine levels can cause skin and eye irritation. It is best to avoid swimming in water with excessively high chlorine levels to prevent potential health issues. It is recommended to test and adjust the chlorine levels in the pool before swimming.

If your pool has too much chlorine what do you have to do before you can use it?

If it is so high that it is uncomfortable to swim in you Will just have to wait until nature has done its job and it has dissipated a Little