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I am switching my dog from deramax to rimadyl and my vet said to wait at least 5 days off do deramax before giving rimadyl. If you don't wait to switch the results are fatal to the dogs digestive system. Don't do this I lost one dog this way.

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Q: Can you switch immediately from Deramaxx to Rimadyl?
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Related questions

Can Deramaxx be crushed?

No, Deramaxx tablets or capsules should not be crushed - they should be administered whole.

Can you combine rimadl and deramaxx?

NO! You can NOT combine Rimadyl and Deramaxx! They are both in the same "class" of NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflamatories). You are definitely asking for trouble with your dog's liver if you combine the two. If your dog is in chronic pain and one or the other drug above is not doing a complete job of relieving the pain, you might ask your veterinarian to see about adding Tramadol to the regimen. This has been a very successful protocol in very severe pain relief. All of the products mentioned are only available by prescription from your veterinarian.

Is Rimadyl ok to give a dog?

Yes, Rimadyl is a safe daily pain medication that is designed for dogs.

Can you buy rimadyl?

You should purchase Rimadyl through your veterinarian or through a veterinary drug supply company.

What is deramaxx?

Deramaxx is a non-steroidal anti inflammatory drug (NSAID) given to animals who have arthritis or other leg or joint problems. It's kind of like a doggy version of Celebrex.

Can you give rimadyl to cats?

Yes and no. The manufactures of Rimadyl do not recommend giving it to cats. However, my veterinarian prescribed Rimadyl to my cat for arthritis ONLY AFTER blood tests for liver and kidney function. Additional blood tests will be performed in a month, then again in six months.

Is it safe to give Rimadyl to your cat?

If your veterinarian prescribed it.

What is the difference between Tramadol and Rimadyl?

Tramadol is prescribed for pain; Rimadyl is prescribed primarily to reduce inflammation, though it's believed to relieve some pain as well.

How can you help a dog with spondylosis?

RIMADYL IS AN ECELLENT MED Rimadyl can also can severe liver and pancreas damage, especially in Labs, to which your vet should warn you before administering

When does deramaxx for dogs expire?

There should be an expiration date on the package. You can use them for a little bit after the date, but it won't be as effective.

Is it safe to give rimadyl to your dog without a blood test?

It is NOT recommended

What is the shelf life rimadyl?