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No. Aleve does have an anti-platelet effect but it's shorter in duration than that provided by aspirin. Further, it will interfere with the anti-platelet effect of aspirin if taken in parallel with aspirin.

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ANSWER NO> Aleve is a name brand for "naproxen sodium" and aspirin is aspirin. They are both used to relieve pain but are NOT the same. <<<ADR>>>

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Q: Could Aleve cause bleeding the same as aspirin?
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What does the abuse of aspirin do to the body in short term?

The abuse of aspirin can cause gastrointestinal problems, bleeding, and brain damage.

Why can't pregnant women take aspirin?

Aspirin causes the platelets in our blood to become "slick" and can inhibit or affect our blood's clotting ability. Pregnant women should not take aspirin due to the fact that she could hemmorhage during spontaneous abortion or delivery.

Can aspirin cause low red blood cell count?

No, Aspirin can not cause bleeding per say, But it does thin your blood. Meaning if you cut yourself and you take excessive amounts of aspirin, you will bleed a lot because it is so thin. That is why the put a baby aspirin under the tongue of people that are having a heart attack to thin the blood so it can pass easier through the artery over the clot. Source: my mind and what my mother has told me.

What is no aspirin pain reliever?

Acetaminophen, best known by the Tylenol brand--may cause serious liver damage! N-Saids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs include Ibuprofen, Naproxen (Motrin, Aleve, etc) and may result in GI bleeding if overused.

If you can not take aspirin can you take soma?

Yes. Soma (carisprodol) is a muscle relaxant unrelated to aspirin. It does not affect bleeding nor the stomach or kidneys but can cause sedation.

What might be dangerous for a person to take to many aspirin?

IF SOMEONE TAKES A large quantity of aspirin, they could suffer from a painful and/or bleeding stomach or intestines. Also uncontrolled bleeding from a simple cut, as aspirin acts like a blood thinner and interferes with blood being able to clot. Also, an overdose of aspirin can cause tinitis, which is a constant "ringing" in the ears. They could find blood in their stool (poop) as well as causing possible liver damage. ALSO, aspirin can be LETHAL (deadly) if 30 - 40 tablets of regular strength (325mg.each) are taken all at once. Kidney faliure is also a possibility.

Is ecospirin safe during pregnancy?

This enteric coated aspirin is not indicated in pregnancy. It may cause excessive bleeding after delivery.

Is it harmful to take alleve after drinking alcohol?

Alcohol and Aleve (Aleve, Anaprox, EC-Naprosyn, Naprelan, Naprosyn, Midol Extended Relief) should not be taken together. Naproxin Sodium, like other NSAIDS, increases the chances of stomach bleeding. Taking it together with alcohol makes the bleeding even more likely.There are actually no NSAID medications that should be taken with alcohol. Acetaminophen (Tylenol, etc.) is less likely to cause stomach bleeding than aspirin, naproxin and ibuprofen (Advil), but is liable to cause liver damage when combined with ethanol.If you have a hangover, drink lots of water and eat a little bit. Alcohol is a diuretic, and a lot of the hangover problem is due to dehydration.

Can you take Aleve while on Biaxin?

It is not advisable to take Aleve while taking Biaxin! Aleve contains Naproxen, which is also an anti-inflamitory medication, which combining the two could cause severe liver damage

What are the side effects of aspirin as a blood thinner?

Side effects of aspirin as a blood thinner include increased risk of bleeding, stomach irritation, and ulcers. It can also cause allergic reactions in some individuals leading to symptoms such as rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing.

How does Aspirin EC differ from Baby Aspirin?

EC stands for enteric coated. Aspirin is acidic and may aggravate other conditions, cause stomach upset or possibly bleeding. The coating is used to buffer the aspirins acidic effects to avoid these possibilities.

Who should not take aspirins?

People who have anaphylactic reactions, obviously, should not take aspirin. There are some people for whom aspirin causes difficulty breathing and asthma attacks. These people should also not take aspirin. People with bleeding disorders, such as von Willebrand's disease may take aspirin under their doctor's counsel. People with other bleeding disorders, such as hemophilia, probably should not take aspirin. Children should never take aspirin, as aspirin use in children has been linked to Reye syndrome, which is deadly. People with peptic ulcer disease should use aspirin with caution and only under their physician's direction. Likewise, people with history of gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding should use aspirin cautiously, as aspirin may worsen or cause GI bleeding. Pregnant women should not take aspirin, especially late in pregnancy, as it may cause closure of the ductus arteriosus and premature fetal death. I'm sure there are many others, but this is all I can think of right now. I'll add more as I think it over.