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Yes, but be sure not to let any blood come in contact with the test strip.

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Q: Can you take a pregnancy test while on your period and get a positive result?
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Can you be pregnant period two weeks ago positive pregnancy test?

YES YOU CAN!!!!! You can actually get pregnant while you have your period - unlikely, but possible.

If your fetus is deceased what will your pregnancy results read?

Your pregnancy test (one counting your hCG levels like in a home pregnancy test) will most likely read positive for a while. This is because it takes a while for those pregnancy hormone levels to reduce back to their natural state. The further you were in to your pregnancy the longer it may take for you to get a negative result.

If you took a pregnancy test while on your period would that make the results positive?

no, they are different, the test should pick up only the human growth hormone

Can a woman gets pregnant while having a IUV inserted?

Pregnancy on the IUD is unlikely. Getting pregnant during your period is also unlikely. Taken together -- it's possible to get pregnant during your period on the IUD, but it would be a huge shock.

You just stopped taking birth control took pregnancy test it was positive now bleeding like a normal period?

go to your doctor, some women can get there period while pregnant, but it can also be signs of misscarrage

Can you test positive while on your period?


Will a pregnancy test always be positive while you are having a miscarriage?


Does a pregnancy urine test work while being on period?


Did anyone ever get pregnant while they were on their period?

Yes, it is entirely possible A gal can get pregnant: * before their period * during their period * after their period * PERIOD It's as simple as that and mostly accepted by the medical community. The "Pill" may help prevent pregnancy, but it is not 100% proof positive effective in every case.

Can you test positive while you are on your period?

99.8% of the time having a period means you are not pregnant, so No, you don't test positive.

Is it possible to be pregnant while you on your period?

Having a period (shedding of the uterine lining) and pregnancy are not compatible but some women experience monthly period type spotting during pregnancy.

Can you be on your period throughout your pregnancy?

No, it is biologically impossible to menstruate while you are pregnant.