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Q: Can you take alcohol with coartem?
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How do you take out alcohol out of your system?

You cannot take the alcohol out of your own system. You must wait for the alcohol to phase out on its own.

Can i drink alcohol while taking levofloxacin?

You can take both together, as long as you do not vomit after taking alcohol. But if you are ill then it is better if you do not take alcohol.

Are we supposed to take in alcohol?


How much alcohol allowed to take to mauritius?

yes alcohol is available

When should you take alcohol after you have taken duo-cotecxin?

You should at least 3 days before you take alcohol

How long does it take to get alcohol out of your system after alcohol poisoning?

It takes five weeks.

What happens if you take Emetic with alcohol?

Taking an emetic with alcohol will cause vomiting.

What happens when you take piriton and alcohol together?

My condition worsen after consuming alcohol.

If you take antebuse then take alcohol after 24 hours what happens?

If you take alcohol after taking antebuse why did you take antebuse? In the first case you took that thinking that you could stop drinking. Then next day you changed your mind and took alcohol again. What a mess! Take care of your will power.

Is it harmful to take Naproxin Sodium after drinking alcohol?

Alcohol in blood may react adversely with the drug or medicine you take. The potent mix of drug and alcohol can be fatal. If you are on any kind of medication, it is best to avoid alcohol completely. Never mix medicines with alcohol.

CAN YOU drink alcohol and take pennicillin?


How do you stop someone you love very much from drinking alcohol?

take there alcohol away and replace it with soda or jucie then when your at the store take their i.d out of their walllet at check-out then they can't buy alcohol.