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can I take malaria tablets with citalopram

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Q: Can you take antimalarial medication with citalopram?
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Citalopram is an antidepressant medication, while methadone is a narcotic drug from opioids.

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What medication has the inscription APO C1 20?

That would be 20mg Citalopram (Celexa).

What is an antimalarial?

An antimalarial is an agent which prevents or counteracts malaria.

What are antimalarial drugs?

Antimalarial drugs are medicines that prevent or treat malaria.

Can you take Zyrtec with citalopram?

Yes you can

What is Citalopram?

Citalopram (brand name = Celexa) is a SSRI antidepressant medication. and is also used to prevent anxiety symptoms, in those individuals having anxiety disorders.

Is it safe to take Benedriyl with Citalopram?

No one online can or should tell you what meds can be taken with another medication. That is called "prescribing" and only licensed physicians can prescribe for his or her patients. Call your doctor for further instructions.

What would happen if a cat ate citalopram?

If a cat was to take citalopram, it could potentially kill them. Citalopram is a very strong medication, humans can tolerate it because they're very strong but their strength does us good, where as cats are much smaller, the strength of the medication may be too much for the cat to take, resulting in possible poisoning. If a cat induces citalopram, take them to the vet as soon as possible, even if the cat appears to be well. The following symptoms may occur 20 minutes - 6hrs after a cats ingestion of citalopram: • anger • coma • constipation • cough • death • diarrhoea • fainting or brief loss of consciousness • feeling dizzy • feeling drowsy • indigestion • itching • jointpain • loss of consciousness • muscle weakness • musclepain or tenderness • nausea • panic attacks • sedation including difficulty waking the cat up • stomachpain • tinnitus • tiredness • tremors • vomiting • weakness • yawning

Is citalopram dangerous?

Citalopram (aka - celexa) is an anti-depressant medication that may be prescribed for other ailments just as: eating disorders and panic attacks. As long as the medication is prescribed by a competent physician who is familiar with this product, it can be very safe.