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Q: Can you take asparin and paracetomol together?
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Can i take tramadol and paracetamol?

Paracetamol and Tramadol are commonly administered together in hospitals in the UK to treat moderate to severe pain. Typical doses are 1000mg of paracetamol 4 times a day and 50-100mg of Tramadol 4 times a day.

Proprietary brand name for paracetomol? gives a good list of brand names for paracetomol

Can you take asparin with antibiotics?

Aspirin and Antibiotics.. Yes you can, and there might even be some benefits by doing this. Read more at related link down below.

What is the first step in providing assistance for a heart attack?

give an asparin

What is the drug of choice for acute unstable angina?

MONA morphine, oxygen, nitrates, asparin

Is Codorol a pain killer or antihistamine?

Painkiller....Paracetomol with codene in it.

Can you give paracetomol to a guinue pig?

No, it will probably knock them unconcious at the least

How will you feel if you take asparin while consuming alcohol?

You will not feel anymore different unless you consume a lot of alcohol and get intoxicated. But, there is a high risk of getting ulcers in your stomach while taking NSAIDs and alcohol at the same time.

Can you take paracetomol and meptazinol?

This question is best posed to a professional in person, so that whatever contra-indications may exist -- not only with these two drugs, but for you as the consumer -- are thoroughly identified and discussed.