

Can you take cranberry juice with other vitamims?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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YES! You can take cranberry juice with anything!

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Q: Can you take cranberry juice with other vitamims?
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How much cranberry juice do you got to drink to clean out your system?

From what I understand, cranberry juice does not cure a bladder infection. You will need to see a Dr. and get antibiotics for that. However, 100% cranberry juice* will help prevent the infection from getting worse, so continue to drink it along with plenty of water. *Make sure it is 100% cranberry juice and not a cranberry juice "cocktail" that is mixed with other juices such as cranapple or crangrape. Those won't help.

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Drink cranberry juice.

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niacin, vitamin c, cranberry juice. and sweat alot

Will four cups of cranberry juice cleanse marijuana?

No. marijuana can take months to leave your system. a drug test weeks after smoking it can still come up positive. The cranberry juice is a myth.

Is it safe to drink cranberry juice and take ibuprofen?

Yes well if you have very severe lung problems no

Can you take cherry juice while on asacol?

Yes you can drink any kind of cherry juice while on asacol. It actually helps with your body system you can also drink apple juice and kind of cranberry juice.

How do you get marijuana out of peoples system faster?

lots of cranberry juice, lots of water, pee alot, and take detox

How do you clear a cannabis test?

you could drink lost of water, pickle juice, cranberry juice, take a shot of vinegar.

I get urinary tract infections and I hate cranberry juice. What other natural supplement can I take that will help out?

There are a number of supplements that aid urinary function and health, including asparagus extract and Crancitrin.

How do you clear THC?

Take penicillin drink cranberry juice mixed wit a teaspoon of clorox and it will be gone in one day

How fast does cranberry juice clean out your system?

Cranberry juice will NOT clean your system. It is a diuretic, which means it makes you pee a lot. If you are asking this question because of an upcoming drug test, the only way cranberry juice will help you pass is because of it's diuretic properties. Basically, if you drink water to try and beat a test, and it works, it will only work because you're literally just peeing water, and not drug molecules.

Does drinking cranberry juice help get Valium out of system?

Yes, drinking heaps of anything should help. The above is not so and rather careless. Water would be the only correct answer. Cranberry Juice (as well as grapefruit juice and many others actually) inhibits the breakdown of Valium and many other tranquilizers and antidepressants. So mixing the two will make it take longer to get out of your system. Info courtesy of my own Dr. and WebMD.