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can i take over the counter sleep aids with celexa

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Q: Can you take diphenhydramine while you take Celexa and Abilify daily?
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Can you take Creatine supplements while taking Abilify?

no do not take Creatine supplements while taking Abilify

Can you drink a beer with Celexa?

You are advised not to drink alcohol while taking Celexa.

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Can you take Thera Flu while on Celexa?

Yes. Celexa is an SSRI antipressant. It is not an MAOI.

Does Abilify cause seizures?

I was on Abilify and a while after that started having ideopathic seizures, that's just me.

Can you take vicodin while taking abilify?

I take abilify nightly and i have recently gone through surgery. The doctor perscribed hydrocodone, generic vicodine, to me knowing that i take abilify. The answer is yes.

Can you take NyQuil while on Celexa?

can you take nyquail while on celxa

Ambien and abilify?

When you are on Abilify you should never take any other prescription drugs or OTC drugs. If you have been taking Ambien for a while and add Abilify you can suffer severe consequences. Please call your pharmacist and your doctors who prescribed your drugs to discuss both drugs and too seek alternatives to sleep problems while on Abilify. See the related links below.

Can you take Prilosec while on Celexa?

No. It is not safe to take zantac( an acid reducer) with celexa( an antidepressant). These medications have an interation with each other and should not be taken together. Contact your pharmacist or physician to see what alternative medications are available to treat your acid reflux while being on celexa.

Do you gain weight while taking Celexa?

Celexa is a type of antidepressant that may cause some patients to gain weight. How long before you will lose weight after stopping Celexa is dependent upon factors such as how long you were taking the medication for, your diet, age, gender and lifestyle.

Does abilify get you high?

I been on abilify and effexor I just feel chill but problem is that if you stoputaking them u feel drowsy and more anxious I even had felt my legs stiff while walking...

Are Bipolar medications safe to take during pregnancy?

The use of any medications while pregnant should be discussed with your physician.