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You really shouldn't because there can be central nervous system depression (make you stop breathing) possibly. I have taken both together and i felt strange. Also, tramadol is a HORRIBLE drug! I would try to find a better pain med if I were you, it causes so many horrible side effects - namely seizures, which i had. Many people do. Also when you stop taking it, be sure you taper off of it very slowly because there are bad withdrawal effects like diahrea, restless legs, anxiety, insomnia, muscle pain and nausea.

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14y ago
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11y ago

Obviously no, and they are completely unrelated drugs.

Kpin = anti-anxiety and anti-epiletic drug. Also relaxes muscles and induces sleep.

Tramadol = strong painkiller, for moderate to severe pain.

Both are very addicting drugs, Klonopin addiction is more dangerous, because it can cause severe withdrawal symptoms such as convulsions.

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12y ago

Absolutely. They both have a sedative effect but are both considered safe together at reasonable doses.

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