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Some Diabetes medications, such as metformin, are used in people without diabetes to treat other conditions, such as metabolic syndrome or polycystic ovarian syndrome.

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Can I keep my diabetes under control by strictly following my diabetic diet guidelines?

Yes, you can keep your diabetes under control if you follow your diabetic diet guidelines. Some people have even lost their diabetes after keeping a healthy life style!

Searching for diabetic food information.?

There are numerous sites with recipes and food lists for persons with diabetes. There's,, and you can even try an online medical site like and look there for information about diabetes. One site I like, even though I'm not diabetic is

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Untreated diabetes can result in blindness, gangrene extremities, even death.

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Genetics isn't the entire cause of diabetes. This influence is stronger in Type 2 diabetes but lifestyle is a significant contributing factor. Studies of twins shows that even with identical gene patterns one twin may develop diabetes while the other does not.

Can you order a diabetes meter online?

Yes you can order a diabetes meter online from many stores like,,,, even has plenty of diabetic meters to choose from.

What is a website for diabetic recipes? is a great website that has information about diabetes and even recipes to help you cook a meal for your friend that will be good for her health.

Can diabetes cause the right leg pain and numbness of 3 right toes?

Diabetes can cause a lot of problems. Even in diabetic though not every problem is caused by diabetes. If you or someone you know is having difficulty, you need to seek the advice of a doctor.

Where can someone purchase discount diabetic supplies?

Discount diabetes supplies can be purchased at many websites. Among them are American Diabetes Wholesale, Diabetes Supplies, Discount Diabetic, Total Diabetes Supply, and Diabetic Care Services.

Is diabetes education important for those with no history of it in the family?

Diabetes education is very important even for those with no family history. If someone becomes diabetic there are very specific needs that this person will have and having the education and understanding is important.

How much more costly are diabetic foods than normal foods?

Diabetic foods are more costly than regular food, but a specific answer cannot be given unless we know what foods you normally eat. Either way, if you have diabetes, you should follow a diabetic diet even if it is more expensive.

What are some easy inexpensive diabetes recipes?

Diabetes council can reccommend easy inexpensive recipes for people with diabetes these include eveery day foods such as Moraccan Lamb pepper mustard steak, Chilli con carne even deserts such as chocolae brownies have diabetic alternatives

How to make diabetic food for the family?

Diets based to cope with diabetes is a simple and fun way to cope with Diabetes. Try to make a plant based diet fun. A plant based diet can cope diabetes and even reverse some effects caused by it. Plant based diets are fun and delicious to make.