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original answer was : No. Ambien CR and OxyContin have a listed interaction. Consult your doctor or pharmacist first.

My answer is: This is not a good combination for folks who don't have chronic pain and chronic insomnia. I am pregnant and my doc has me on Lortab and Ambien CR as well. I just space those far enough apart so they dont give me any problems.

Also, my father is dying of cancer and they have him on Oxycontin, Oxycodone, xanax, and Ambien cr all at the same time. So it depends o the situation.

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13y ago
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14y ago

People have thought this combination:"sleeping medicine, anxiolytic (anti-anxiety medicine) and a narcotic/acetaminophen analgesic" is safe and they have never awakened from their drug induced slumber. Physicians are cautious when giving all of these medications ...even on a "take as needed" basis. A great deal depends on your tolerance level. There are many patients who have taken narcotics for a long time so they develop tolerance to the effects...same with the anxiety medicines. Heath Ledger was one such individual who sadly met with an early demise and deprived the world of his talents...but more importantly, his loved ones will live the rest of their days with holes in their will all of his fans!

The most dangerous aspect of taking these three drugs is that they have "additive effects" and that means one drug boosts the effects of another. You may not be able to discern when you are reaching the critical "tipping" point. You won't be awake to judge the'll be unaware of anything...even your dreams!

If your doctor has prescribed the pain medicine during the day and the Ativan as needed with the understanding that the Ambien CR will be taken at night...then it is safe...the doctor knows the condition of your liver and kidneys and whether you are likely to become addicted to the individual drugs or the combination. As long as you do not deviate from the prescribed amounts/dosing schedules the combination is not necessarily lethal.

All three drugs are seriously affected by the slightest amount of alcohol...even in a person with a high alcohol tolerance.

The official answer is: avoid taking these together...make sure you follow your doctor's instructions and avoid all forms of alcohol and alcohol containing products (cold and cough syrups..) as well as muscle relaxants and antihistamines....this latter combination may cause permanent brain damage and possibly death with only ONE trial. If you are experimenting with this combination, please be aware that you do not know if your liver is healthy enough to metabolize the drugs and if your kidneys can effectively remove the metabolites.

Unless you have a serious injury, mega insomnia AND are nervous as a cat facing a Doberman, you don't need all three of these! Avoid them like the plague...

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14y ago

First of all, EVERY medication can potentially cause side effect, even a baby aspirin or a vitamin pill. Anyhow, depending on the dosage, the above combination can cause severe CNS depression causing your breathing to slow down enough to kill you. I would not recommend taking full dose of each on first trial.

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9y ago

You should never self medicate. It take a doctor or chemist 3-5 years to learn when to prescribe medicines, how much to prescribe and what the interaction between medicines are. If you are ill and need treatment, go and see a doctor.

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13y ago

no, as you find yourself having sex with a dog and not remember it the next day.

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12y ago

Oxycodoane 5mg, ambiem cr 12.5mg, and dizepam2mg drug

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Q: Can you take Ambien Ativan and Oxycontin together?
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Disclaimer: I am not a pharmacist or medical doctor. Please check with one of these before taking my word for this, just to be safe. This is based on my personal experience and subsequent discussions with my doctor.Sure, you can take them together, as long as you are taking no more than the prescribed doses of each. You probably will not want to, though. Ativan and Ambien bind competitively to the same receptors, with Ativan having a higher affinity.In other words, the Ativan will overpower the Ambien. You will get little to no effect from the Ambien. You might as well be flushing the Ambien down the toilet (though please don't do that, take unwanted drugs to your local pharmacy for safe disposal).Ativan is digested relatively quickly, so if you plan to take Ambien for sleep, you could probably get away with a noon or even afternoon dose of Ativan that day, if you take daytime doses, but you may have to experiment a bit to figure out what works for you.

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