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I just drink a bottle of robo and I'm taking penicillin and hydrocodone cause I just had surgery I'm fine

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Q: Can you take penicillin and cough medicine together?
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If you have an allergy to penicillin may you take Benzonatate for your cough?

Bezonatate is a non-narcotic cough suppressant and does not contain penicillin. There should not be an issue taking this medication if you are allergic to penicillin. To be sure, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

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Do you think it is ok for my 4 year old take penicillin and tixylix cough syrup at the same time?

Yes, there are no ingredients that will interfere with each other if you give your child Penicillin and Tixylix cough syrup at the same time. These 2 medications are known to work well together when a child has a cold with a fever and cough.

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i took a valium in the afternoon and at 5pm i started taken cough medicine. should i not have had cough medicine to nite

What headache medicine is best to take with Penicillin?

Penicillin has probably nothing to do with headache medicine. You can take any analgesic without regards to penicillin. Aspirin is not given below 12 years of age in fever. You are taking penicillin. That means you probably have got fever.

Aspirin and cough medicine taken together?

what about it do you want to know if you can take them or if there are any side effects please revise your question

What does it mean when after you take cough medicine your stomach hurts?

Assuming you took the cough medicine due to having a cough, it means you are sick.

What i can give to toddler in cough?

You will need to take the toddler to the doctor to get a prescription cough medicine.

Can you take vitamin pills with penicillin?

yes, You can take is much stronger together c vitamin with penicillin

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Can you mix alcohol with penicillin?

There is no use of mixing them together. You can take both together.