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If someone has lupus nephritis, that person should discuss any supplement, vitamins, herbs, or "alternative" therapies with the rheumatologist and nephrologist. Lupus nephritis can be fatal and is nothing to be fooled around with.

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Absolutely. I suffer from kidney problems as well and I have taken Irena Royal Jelly for many years and I've only found benefits to my health.

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Q: Can you take royal jelly if you have lupus nephritis?
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Can you take royal jelly if you breastfeeding?

Royal jelly has no proven benefits in the human body. However, you should not take royal jelly if you are pregnant or breastfeeding to prevent any dangers presented to baby.

Can you take royal jelly if you have membranus nephrotus?

Please consult your doctor.

Does honeycomb contain royal jelly?

No. Royal jelly is used to feed a larva that is being raised as a new queen. Under normal circumstances there will only be one such larva in a colony, so royal jelly will only be in one cell of one comb. To extract royal jelly though, the beekeepers put a fake larva in the bee hive and lure worker bee to apply royal jelly on the bait and then beekeepers can extract Royal Jelly on a controlled schedule. It does take a very delicate work and skill to perform the harvest process.

Is it safe to take royal jelly bee pollen and propolis with prenatal vitamins?

It is safe to take royal jelly and propolis with prenatal vitamins. You may be consuming excess levels of some vitamins, like vitamin B but these bee products are just food.

Does lupus kill you?

Yes lupus can kill, directly and indirectly. 40% of lupus patients develop lupus nephritis or kidney disease. Some respond to treatment, others don't. People with systemic lupus have twice the risk of atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. This can cause heart attacks and strokes. Some people with lupus have antiphospholipid antibody syndrome which causes abnormal clotting of the blood also leading to cardiovascular events. If lupus attacks the liver you also die. I personally know two people who died of lupus nephritis and two who died of cardiovascular events in 2008 alone. In my case I had pericarditis, pleurisy, pleural effusion, bone marrow failure and kidney failure and am very luck to be alive. Most cases of lupus are mild to moderate, but it can kill.

Is royal jelly expensive?

The prices of royal jelly can range, depending on how much of it you buy etc. It is not actually that expensive. For 30 x 1500mg capsules of royal jelly it costs around £10. There are other technology to produce capsules, for example the concentrated freezing technology extract water out of Royal Jelly so they are in a form of powder and it will make the capsules lighter and smaller, can be kept fresh longer and no need to stored in the fridge. Even thought they are 400 mg per capsule, they are equivalent to 1500 mg capsules. Normal, capsule you find online are smaller than 1500mg and relative cheaper but personally I think taking more than 1500mg is the best amount. Smaller capsules means you need to take more pills per day. I have seen 166mg Royal Jelly powder capsules been sold £15 per 180 capsules. You either take not enough Royal Jelly or a lot of capsules. You really want to buy larger capsules such as 400mg dry Royal Jelly or 1500mg fresh ones.

How do you treat nephritis?

Medications and home care are the only two things that might help nephritis. You can take antibiotics and pain relievers and you should drink more water and eat less sodium.

How do treat nephritis?

Medications and home care are the only two things that might help nephritis. You can take antibiotics and pain relievers and you should drink more water and eat less sodium.

Is it safe to take meloxicam if you have lupus?

I'm prescribed Meloxicam for my lupus so i hope so :)

Is it possible for blood type to change if a person has lupus and forgets to take their medication?

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Lupus and tuburculosis?

Lupus is an autoimmune disorder. Tuberculosis is an infection. People with lupus often take immunosuppressive medications that may make them more vulnerable to tuberculosis, but the two are not related.