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Q: Can you take the yellow fever vaccine twice within 10 years?
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Can you get take the yellow fever vaccine twice in a year?

You acutally can survive yellow fever though it is very unlikely. If You see the signs like nausea , vomiting ,diraha,blood vomiting then you should see a doctor right away

Can you get the chickenpox twice after getting the live virus vaccine?

It's possible, but not likely, to get chickenpox twice after getting chickenpox vaccine. Talk with your health care provider to find out how certain was the diagnosis.

If you vaccine for hepatitis B twice and did not do the third one will you have to vaccinate again?

The Twinrix vaccine is typically given in 3 doses. This is normal.

Can a yellow jacket sting twice?

It is very possible for a yellow jacket to sting a person twice. The stinger does not get stuck in it's victim like a bee's.

Can a child of 4 yrs still take mmr vaccine after having mumphs twice?

your great fat grandad

What is the dosage of cefixime in adults for typhoid fever?

200mg twice a day for 14 days

In your sims agents what is the code of the frogs?

When I did this it worked first time so i am positive that this will work! 1. Yellow-twice 2. Green-once 3. Pale Green-twice 4. Green-once 5. Yellow-once 6.Orange (small)-once 7.Red-twice 8.Orange 9(small)-once 9. Yellow-twice 10. Orange (small)-twice

Can you get chickenpox if you had it as a newborn baby?

Usually a skin rash that look like pimples or mosquito bites that develop into blisters and then into open sores, sometimes this is accompanied by a low grade fever. After 2 - 4 days symptoms should start to disappear, unless your child has a weakened immune system then a more serious rash, fever or more serious infections.

How do you find the secret treasure on my sims agents?

Go look at the frogs. Do the following in order... 1.touch the yellow one twice. 2.the green one once. 3.the turquoise twice. one once 5.yellow one once one once 7.yellow one once. 8. orange one once. one twice on once. 11.yellow one twice. and finally... 12. orange one twice. HOPE THIS HELPS.

Do vaccines work if you already have a virus?

Yes, they can, depending on the virus you have. Immunocompromised people with the HIV/AIDS virus may not get full immunization from a vaccine since their body doesn't respond to infections like other people's bodies. If it is a flu virus, there is no problem getting a vaccination unless you have a high fever from the virus. They will ask you about any recent fevers when you go to get the vaccination. The problem if you are sick with a virus is that your body's immune system is working very hard to get rid of the virus you have, if you add the vaccine for a different virus to your body, it has to work twice as hard to deal with both at the same time, and you may not get a good response to the vaccine.

What are the risks or side effects of having your baby accidentally immunized for chickenpox twice?

There are no special risks or side effects from extra chickenpox vaccine.

Is it bad to get the meningitis vaccine twice?

No it isn't. The vaccine is considered safe and an extra dose would not cause problems with your immune response, in fact, it might make it work even better to prevent pneumonia, as it would act as an added "booster".