

Best Answer

Yes, I've been taking both for over 8 years with no side effects or problems

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Q: Can you take thyroxine and rhodiola together?
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Yes. I see it prescribed that way often.

Can you take thyroxine and thyromine together?

According to information online - yes as it is herbal and has no side effects.

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These two drugs should be okay to take together. To be sure though, you should check with your doctor or pharmacist.

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Can you take thyroxine and tyrosine at the same time or is it dangerous?

can you take thyrosine and thyroxine together. my thyroid doesnt function at all and im on the maximum dose but im so sluggish, my concentration is extremely poor and i struggle to lose at least a pound or two.

Will RHODIOLA cause a false urine drug screen?

Yes. I have tested positive on every urine screen while taking 340mgs daily of Rhodiola. We are sending out this last urine to have a broader test done to see what it says. Do not take Rhodiola if you have to pass a urine drug screen. --------------------------------------------- To the above poster, what were your results? How long had you been taking rhodiola? Was your false positive attributed to rhodiola extract? If so, how and were you cleared from wrong doing?

Can you take multi vitiamins with rhodiola rosea?

Rodiola Rosea is safe to take along with a multi vitamin with or with out food. From my experience the tincture form is the best way to take rhodiola and is rather easy to make from the dessicated root. multi vitamins generally have a multiple number of minerals along with basic fat/water soluble vitamin; none of which should interact with rhodiola. even if you some how had a multi vitamin with rhodiola extact all ready in it, the small amount present in the multi would not make a dosage taken separately too much.

Can you take menopace plus with thyroxine?

Can you take menopace with blood pressure tablets

Can you take omeprazole as well as thyroxine?

Ask your doctor or ask your pharmacist.

Can you take Adderall and rhodiola rosea?

I had a friend who had a very bad experience with this. He became nauseated, anxious and just felt extremely tweaked out. This is likely because Rhodiola Rosea has MAOI action causing all the extra dopamine that adderall dumps in your brain to accumulate and not get metabolized.

What amount of thyroxine tablets should you take daily?

This is entirely dependent on what your FT4 and FT3 levels are. You need to get a prescription for blood tests and have them sent to an endocrinologist who will then be able to accurately prescribe the amount of thyroxine you should take.