

Can you take your foopet out of a fashion show?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Once you have entered your FooPet into a fashion show, you cannot cancel their participation, no. However, you are prompted three times (in total) before you enter your pet, so you have three times, including the initial "enter contestant" option...before the system actually enters your pet. I think three times is fair.

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Q: Can you take your foopet out of a fashion show?
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How do you get a spot in a fashion show on FooPets?

You have to go down all the way to the bottom when your on play with my foopet, then click foo fashion show and read and click foo boutique and download it then dress up your pet and buy the clothes with foo gems or FDs and then you go back to foo fashion show and click enter a show and find a show that you want to do for the next day and click enter, then you wait until the next day and time and do one trick and see if you win. its really fun. then you can watch the video by going to foo fashion show and clicking watch video, and then watch the video.

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It will not show up on your profile if owned, you can see on the pet's link who owns it.

How do you abandon a pet on foopets?

just don't take care of it. i used to have a foopet

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Will you breed to my foopet?

um i really can't anser that and i am a foopet wiz

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A fashion show is a chance for a designer to show off their collection and overall creativity level. Often the media are at catwalks, if the media like a collection they can help the Fashion Designer begin to take their career in design further by creating publicity.

How long does it take for a 3 month old foopet to be 1 year old?

9 months

What does it take to be a fashion stylist?

you have to show it your all and believe in yourself. And you have to dress good.

Your foopet needs to see a foo doctor right away shes sick?

If your foopet is sick then you need to take it to a doctor stay with it and take care of it as long as you can until it gets better well there's your answer now go see some othe r quistion.

How do you find out your pets in foopets generation?

When people say generation they are talking about the Foopet's family tree. When you go onto your Foopet's profile, look where it mentions the birthdate of the Foopet. Under that, it may or may not say who the mother and father of the Foopet is. If the mother and father information is not there, your Foopet is a first generation. If there is the mother and father information, you would then click on one of those Foopet's profiles and see if they have a mother/father information. If not your Foopet is second generation, if so then you repeat the same thing with your Foopet's mother's/father's mother/father until you get to the end of it all. Depending on how big the Foopet's family tree is, the bigger it's generation will be. I've seen up to 7th and 8th generation Foopets sooo, yeah.

How old does a foopet have to be to breed?

Your foopet must 1 year old to breed and you got to be a clubfoo member