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Q: Can you take your name off of someones bond and get your money back from the bondsman?
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Does a bondsman get money back if a person skips court and runs for a long time and then gets caught by the police but the bondsman paid the bond and lost his money - does he then get it back?

If a defendant fails to appear in court and the bondsman must pay the bond, they will not typically get that money back, even if the defendant is eventually caught. The bond is forfeited when the defendant does not appear, and the bondsman assumes that risk when posting the bond.

Is bondsman responsible for refunding your money if person to be released is not?

Bondsmen do not return your funds. Bond, or bail, is a sum of money put up to secure a person's appearance in court. Often if a person does not have adequate funds to put up the full amount of bond, a person will hire a bondsman. The bondsman will require the person to pay a small portion of the bond (usually about 10%), and the bondsman will guarantee the appearance for the court, and will put up the full sum of the bond. When the person appears for trial, the bond is returned to the bondsman. The bondsman then retains the percentage collected as payment. If you retained the services of a bondsman instead of posting the full bond, you are not due anything returned when the defendant appears.

How does bail money work?

Bail money is used to make sure someone shows up to court. If they show up their money is given back. If someone uses a bail bondsman they charge a percentage for covering the bond and they don't get any of the money back.

Do you get money back from bail bondsman?

No. When posting bail (bond) you pay a bondsman an amount negotiated usually 10% of the total bail amount. Example $50,000 bail, you pay the bondsman $5,000 then put up co-lateral worth $50,000 and the bondsman is the one to pay the State/Court the balance. If the person on bail forfeits (skips out) on the bail then the collateral becomes property of the bondsman. The original $5,000 is how the bondsman earns his living.

If a prisoner appears in court is some of the bond money returned?

That's a private business deal between you and your bail bondsman. If the judge releases you, without bond, you will owe only the amount the bail bondsman charged for his services.

Can a bail bondsman revoke your bond after you have been sentenced?

Yes. He put his moneyup for you, didn't he? In simple terms you 'rented' his money for your cash bond, for which he is entitled to payment for the length of time he had it 'at risk.'

If you miss a court date and a warrant is issued can you get your bond money back?

Most likely not, especially if you dealt with a bail bondsman. They don't have time for childish games.

If you have someones bail revoked will you get your money back?

If YOU put up the bond amount, you will have it refunded by the court. If you paid to have a bailbondsman put up the bond, they will still charge you for the use of their services.

How much does bail bondsman pay court?

Nothing. the court gets no money from bondsman. At least not here in california. We only pay the court for summary judgments. When the bond is forfeited and we must pay the bond. And usual court fees, but that's it.

Can a bondsman revoke a bond for no reason?

A bail bondsman can ask the court to revoke a bond, but the judge alone has the final say whether a bail bond may be revoked.

Do you still owe the bail bondsman 10 percent after you have been sentenced?

No. If you employ the services of a bail bondsman, you would contact him/her just after arrest or after a bond has been set. You (usually via family members) would pay them 10% toward your bond amount, and they, in turn, secure your release. If you show up for court as required, your bond is released, the bondsman keeps his 10%, and you complete your trial. If you do not show up for court, the state comes back to the bondsman for the full amount of bond. In that case, the bondsman comes after you for it (usually via bounty hunter).

Is bail money returned when the accused gets dismissed?

it depends if you paid in full bail, or a percentage of the bail. If you go to court and your'e case is dismissed all your bond money will be returned if you paid in full. if you paid through a bondsman he will keep the percentage of the bail. Depending on what your bail is set at depends on what percentage the bondsman keeps. example you bond is $3000 you paid the jail that 3000. you would get that all back. but if you used a bondsman he would keep 300 of that 3000 which equals 10% Hope that helps