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I have a retainer, and it's almost clear. I mean, you talk a little funny and it takes some time to get used to, but you can talk and most people can understand you. :)

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Q: Can you talk with clear retainers in?
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What should you do if you wear retainers at night and you recently were told by your orthodontist that you grind your teeth at night?

You should talk to your orthodontist, because i had this same problem, he gave me clear retainers, kind if like invaline, and clear retainers are just like that night guard stuff, so you really get 2 in 1

What is a lip ring retainer?

Piercing retainers are clear bioplastic retainers ment to be used when jewellery cant be worn (like at work or in school) and sit in the piercing to retain the piercing while the jewellery is out.

Could you ware a clean retainer to school if the dress code says no body piercing?

Yes you can wear clear retainers to school regardless of what the dress code says, you are wearing clear retainers not jewellery and retaining your piercings are none of the school's business. Bottom line if your parents allow you to have piercings then that is between you and your parents, you wear retainers and not jewellery in your piercings at school to comply with the dress code, enough said.

What is the purpose of clear tonque rings?

Because when getting pierced they have to initially clean the jewellery they are gonna pierce it with in an autoclave then do it. Some people also clear retainers that are plastic and will melt in an autoclave.

What is better wire retainer or clear retainer?

Clear retainers work well. However, you may not have the choice of using one. Your orthodontic doctor will determine the best retainer to use on your teeth. If you get a clear retainer be certain to keep it clean as you are instructed to do and keep it in a case with your name and phone number on it in case you lose your retainer.

What is a retainer for belly button piercings?

Yes. Ask your piercer for one. Most places have glass retainers in stock.

Is there a way to cover a piercing you don't want your parents to see?

It depends on what piercings youre trying to hide. You could try those clear flexible retainers.

Do clear retainers really work to hide lip piercings?

Clear retainers do not hide lip piercing as well as I thought it would. I put one in , and you could still see the piercing. It was hard to speak because I kept focusing on swallowing it. Since I was at work I didnt have the ball on it. So there was nothing keeping it together from the front of my mouth. Then i tried putting the small ball on it, and putting make up on it.

How do you replace the headlights on a 2002 Oldsmobile Bravada?

Each of the headlight assemblies are braced through the radiator support with a pair of retainers. The retainers for the right headlight assembly are in front of the battery. The retainers for the left assembly are in front of the washer fluid reservoir. Remove the retainers by pulling up on the retainer. With the retainers removed, the headlamp assembly falls forward. Reinstall the retainers to the square tabs on the headlamp assembly and the rivet on the radiator support

Can you take out cartliage pericing and put a piercing retainers in?

Yes you can put retainers in just about any piercing, just be sure to do it after you have cleaned the piercings, it makes getting the retainers in a bit easier.

How do you clear smoke?

you must talk to persons that smoke

Is it normal for your teeth to move apart slightly right after you get your braces off and you're still using those plastic temporary retainers also will the real retainers help my teeth move back?

Yes, some movement is completely normal. Your teeth are adjusting to their new positioning without the aid of the braces. The clear plastic retainers shouldn't be "temporary", they are for use during the day while you are moving your jaw and mouth a lot. The metal and plastic retainers are harder to wear but they're designed to keep your teeth where they are - not move them around. If you are worried however you should speak to your orthodontist, not the Internet.