

Can you tell if your pregnant within 8 days?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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No, 2 weeks after sex is the earliest.

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Q: Can you tell if your pregnant within 8 days?
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Usually 8 days after intercourse is the soonest that you can accurately tell if you are pregnant or not.

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After 8 to 10 days of your missed period. You have enough time to decide about to terminate or continue the pregnancy.

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no it can't tell you if you missed your period for 8 weeks

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See your doctor.

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Can you have intercouse and become pregnant 20 days later?

propably not sperm can olny suvive a max of 8 days although that is extremely unlikely

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you wont have any. i am 13 and pregnant and the effects didnt come till 8 weeks. not 5 days.

Whether it is safe not to use condom 8 days before and after the periods?

a girl can get pregnant anytime, the whole "this many days before or this many days after my period i cant get pregnant" is a myth, shes just as likely to get pregnant no matter when her period was. you should always use birth control if you are not ready for a baby.