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There is a higher mortality rate when you live in both worlds

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Q: Can you think of any disadvantages for such a double life of an amphibian?
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What does amphibian stand for?

Amphibian literally translates to "double life."

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What word means double life?


Is a rhino an amphibiou?

A rhinoceros is a mammal, not an amphibian.

Why is amphiblan an approprite name for this class of animals?

amphibian means double life

What makes a frog an amphibian?

Amphibian means "double life", which makes sense since frogs have two basic life stages, as tadpoles and as frogs.

What does Amphibian mean in greek?

The word "amphibian," from the Greek term amphibia, means "both lives" and refers to the animals' double life on land and in water.

What is the latin word for amphibian?

My science teacher mentioned this... It comes from amphi-bios which means living a double life I believe.

I got 2425 can you tell me which one i got wrong 1. The word amphibian is derived from the Greek words meaning D. double life. 2. what is not evidence that amphibians evolved?

The word amphibian is derived from Greek words meaning double life is correct. The answer you chose from the second question wasn't listed so that is the one you got wrong.

What is the amphibian with a triple life?

There is none.

Where is the Frog on a horse?

The frog is the soft part of a horse's hoof that cushions the weight while running or being ridden. DO NOT PICK OUT WITH HOOF PICK!!!!

Where can you find the answer to your net frog dissection worksheet?

The word amphibian comes from Greek amphibia, plural of amphibios "living a double life," from amphi- "of both kinds" (amphi-) + bios "life" (bio-).