

Can you tone dark hair

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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Yes,you can tone dark hair.

The best way is to mix lemon juice with water,rinse your hair with it after a regular shower,sit in the sunlight till it drys and rinse it out again.

4-5 lemons

6 tabspoons water

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Q: Can you tone dark hair
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Depending on your skin tone, dark brown would be a good bet.

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Any brown, black, dark blonde tone might suit you.

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it depends: if youre an olive-ish tone, then really dark hair, or black. If you've got dark brown skin then black hair, but ive seen an African dye her hair dark red before (obviously she had to bleach her hair first otherwise the red wont come out) obviously if youre pale-skinned or slightly tanned you can dye your hair any colour--red, brown, blonde, black even blue or purple or something randomly punk. but then again, im being racist--whatever your skin colour you can dye ANY colour you like as long as it suits you and you like it. but the options above are just the average hair colours that would suit that average skin tone. glad to help, if you werent kidding :)

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A brunette is a girl with dark hair, brown or black. 1. (of hair, eyes, skin, etc.) of a dark color or tone. 2. (of a person) having dark hair and, often, dark eyes and darkish or olive skin

I have very very dark brown hair and but it looks black on the outside if you dye your hair with lemon juice how will it turn out and will it damage your hair?

Lemon juice will virtually do nothing to dark brown hair, because it is only slightly acidic. In order to lighten your hair, you will have to professionally bleach your hair and tone it to attain the lighter color you are going for. Yours truly, hairstylist :)

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Black hair is dark, but the term "dark hair" covers any hair which is darker in shade, e.g. dark brown

Would bright red hair look nice on a young dark brown eyed oval shaped head woman?

Eye color and face shape aren't determining factors when it comes to hair color, instead consider skin tone. Most natural red heads have fair skin, if your skin tone is too dark or tans easily red hair would probably have a very fake look.

How do you choose a perfect hair color?

It matters how your hair technique is and your skin color.....if you have a very dark tone you want a light color to your hair with dark highlights so the focus is toward your hair not your skin. If you have a caramel texture you want a darker hair color with a bit of sass. If you are thinking about going all out and you are the type of person who is crazy and dont see much radiance going on with your skin....pick a light red or dark red!