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에미 - Emi/Emmi/Emmie/Emie

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Q: Can you translate my name Emmie into Korean names?
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Korean name will be Patricia. Names don't translate into Korean because their roots are different. However, you could create your own Korean nickname and/or use the romanized style of the name.

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Names do not translate into other languages unless they are originally from that language, or else they are borrowed into that language. In this case, your name has No Korean equivalent.

Can you translate my name in Korean?

Sure, please provide me with your name so I can translate it into Korean for you.

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The Related Link has both the names Nicole and Andrea on it in Korean, but you have to have the Korean font installed on your computer in order to see it. i typed the name into google translate and it came up like this: 니콜 안드레아

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1. i dont know your last name. 2. kylie= 카일리 ken=켄

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Korean name will be Frank. Names don't translate into Korean because their roots are different. However, you could create your own Korean nickname and/or use the romanized style of the name.

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Korean name will be Blessy Anne. Names don't translate into Korean because their roots are different. However, you could create your own Korean nickname and/or use the romanticized style of the name.

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The name Mark is just the same thing in Korean. The Korean language doesn't really translate English names into Korean. This is how you write it: 마크 pronounced Ma-ke

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In Korean, the name "Macee" can be translated as 메이시.