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No hun, just scratching your genitals won't transmit it. Herpes doesn't live out side of the body for more then a few seconds. You would have to have unprotected intercourse with some one in order to have any chance of transmitting it. But with out a break out there is only a small chance of passing it on.

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Q: Can you transmit genital herpes if you scratch that are when you are not having an outbreak?
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It appears that trichomoniasis is one of the few STDs that can be caught through other means as well. Although the protozoan dies rapidly in dry conditions, it appears that you can be infected by sharing a washcloth with an infected person, or possibly by having your genitals come into contact with someone else's infected genital discharge.

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it can protect by having it more aware of what is happening in our lives.

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Genital pimples appear around a woman's private parts. These types of pimples, though painful, are not indicative of having an STD and usually clear up with proper hygiene.

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HIV is easier to catch through broken skin than through intact skin, but you can still avoid HIV by not having genital-genital contact with someone who has HIV.

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Do you scratch your itch or itch your scratch?

iam a married woman and having two children and iam experiencing itching in my private part i doubt my husband he had that itching problem but iam also having white discharge with afowl smell.

What diseases can you contract from a cat scratch?

Various bacterial infections can result from a scratch from a cat. It may be serious and potentially dangerous so having it checked by a doctor is a good idea.

Does the sea salt harm the vaginal when having in da ocean?

It would def irritate the tissue and if you get one scratch...well if you have a scratch on your finger and you dip it in salt water you can imagine.

How do you get rid of scracthes on a car?

To determine if a scratch can be removed rather than having to refinish your vehicle, run your fingernail LIGHTLY over the scratch. If your fingernail catches it cannot be removed. If your nail doesn't catch the scratch can be removed by buffing the scratch with a compound. (if the scratch is still there, try sanding with fine grade sand paper 800grit or higher then repeat buffing)

Can you get chlamydia by having too much sex?

You can't get chlamydia from being too clean. You get chlamydia from sexual contact with someone who has it. It's spread by oral, anal, and vaginal sex; genital-genital contact; sharing sex toys; and birth to an infected woman.