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Q: Can you travel outside the US if you have felonies charges?
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Can charges against you be dropped if you flee the us?

Most likely not. Some cases are "dismissed with leave" meaning upon locating you again in the USA, the charges will be "resurrected" and you must answer them, misdemeanors or felonies.

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You need a passport if you are going to travel outside of the country.

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Are criminal charges felonies in mental health court the same has regular court?

In the US: The law is the same for everyone. There are no separate laws written to apply only to mentally ill individuals.

Can you get a passport with 4 felonies?

You can certainly apply for a passport - all US citizens are entitled to one - the question becomes will the country you wish to travel to allow you to enter?

I like to travel outside the USA with travel documentbut what im afraid is that reentering A couple years ago a had a charge DUI and went to jail Having this kinda history can i reenter US easily?

DUI charges are not reported to Interpol or U.S. Customs. You should have no problem returning to the United States.

What percentage of probationers in us had committed felonies in 2011?

Approximately 59% of probationers in the US had committed felonies in 2011, according to data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Do you need a visa if you have a travel document?

The question is a bit confusing. You might want to clarify. A travel document is a passport-like document given to a LPR (legal Permanent Resident) when they like to travel outside of the US for more then 6 months. If you are outside of US and wanna travel to US, yes you need a visa.

Where can a Non US citizenship travel?

Answer: You can travel anywhere in the US. But if you want to travel outside the US you need to get a passport and file a form I-131 Application for Travel Documents ( to ensure that you can get back into the US). If you have any question you can contact the Department of Homeland Security at (800)375-5283.

What is considered a criminal offense in the US?

There are three different types of criminal offence in the US, felonies, misdemeanours and infractions. Felonies are the most serious followed by misdemeanours then infractions.

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Is there anything you can do to show proof for employment and travel outside of country until new green card arrives after lost old one?

The receipt you got after filing for renewal of green card may be helpful for your travel outside US. Permission to travel depends on how much the USCIS is convinced by you for the same.This depends on the proof you show for the urgent and important travel along with your employment papers.Also you can give the delivery address as one out of US or an US embassy in the place of your travel to receive it. If you plan to be outside US for more than a year remember to get a reentry permit approved before leaving US.