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There are no known drug interactions between vaginal antifungal medications and Nuva Ring, or between fluconazole (Difclucan) and Nuva Ring.

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Q: Can you treat a yeast infection while using a birth control ring?
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Choice about using Birth Control.

Can you get sti if stop using birth control?

Only some forms of birth control are effective against sexually transmitted diseases/infections. If you've been using one of those and you stop, you're more likely to contract an STD/STI. If you've been using birth control pills, stopping isn't going to have much of an impact on whether you get an infection or not (except to the extent that you may be more careful about choosing your sexual partners).

Should i use a other form of birth control if you have the IUD?

The IUD does not prevent infection. Using a condom can provide additional pregnancy protection as well as protection from STDs.

Use birth control or be gay?

I don't think using birth control or not is basis enough to be gay.

What happens to the fetus if using birth control?

If the birth control fully works, there won't BE a fetus, birth control will do nothing about an impregnated egg or the baby that it will result in.

What are some ways to treat a chronic yeast infection?

To treat a chronic yeast infection it is best for you to consult your health-care professional for immediate treatment. However, if the above option is not possible you can treat it using some over the counter medicine.

What do you need to do to get pregnant and you are on birth control?

If you wanna get pregnant, just stop using any form of birth control.

Can you have intercourse everyday while using yasmin birth control pills?

sure, that is a whole point of birth control

Is it easy to get pregnant in the second month of using birth control on non-oral contraceptives?

It's never easy to get pregnant using effective birth control.

What are all the reasons for using birth control pills?

2 control pregnancy

Can you use the birth control patch if you're on the birth control pill?

There is no advantage to using the birth control patch and birth control pill at the same time. They have the same mode of action. If you want to double up on methods, try using a barrier method like condoms along with a hormonal method.

If you take ipecac together with birth control pillsdoes the birth control still work?

Vomiting your birth control pill is not effective. Please get help -- using ipecac is dangerous.